
Xiao Yu Chui Hua Li Ruican Scout

Li Ruican, Scout, personal data

Ruican Li, nationality: South Korea, game ID: Scout, born in South Korea on March 14, 1998, is a professional player of the Korean League of Heroes. He is a single player in the middle school, and a former player of SKT T1 team. Now he works in EDG E-sports Club. Li Ruican won the FMVP in the final of League of Heroes S11.
Friendship link, friendship chain, external chain, one-way, cancelled

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If a man is afraid of pain, of all kinds of diseases, of unexpected things, of the danger of life and death, he can't stand anything.

In exchange of friendship, we must check the other party's links frequently, otherwise we will make a one-way external chain for the other party - Xinrui webmaster

We should be more diligent in checking the friendship links, otherwise it will become someone else's one-way external link. On April 22, we took the initiative to add QQ to exchange the friendship links. Today, the other party quietly cancelled the link after checking on the 25th. There are too many pits. For those who exchange friendship links, the frequency of inspection should be higher, otherwise the mutual chain will become a one-way external chain. Original author: Sunny netizen Da Ling: My friend chain will check once every other time. If I find that the other party's website is abnormal, I will download it

Headline search seems to have been public beta, but the search content is not very much - Xinrui webmaster

After searching the related products in this industry, all of them are 1688 content. Basically, the first five pages are all the major B2B platforms. Personally, I guess it may be that the earlier stage is not very perfect, so I put the more famous ones in front, so that there will be no big deviation in the search results, but the quality of the search results is not very good. I look forward to the future upgrade. Original author: hnqmhb netizen Xiaobai: Wait a minute. At present, few websites actively submit in the front page search. So

Creating a large amount of garbage outside the chain may lead to power reduction - Xinrui webmaster website

In general, the external chain will not cause power reduction, especially the simple quantitative change, from 20 to 30. In the construction of the outer chain, it is generally the mass distribution of the outer chain, the creation of a large number of garbage, and the release of the outer chain prohibited by Baidu. Add 350 external links in 20 days, which is not high. If the website originally had a certain weight, the number of external links should not lead to power reduction. Of course, it is possible if your posts are all junk. Original author: Someone you

The website has not included it all the time. Baidu Spider probably knows what the reason is for crawling - Xinrui webmaster

Seeing the spider's crawling record, I guess this time it was a hit. The domain name must have been used before, but it didn't need to be renewed when it expired. No wonder it hasn't been included recently. Is there any way to guide this 404 to the normal page. Do you have any good suggestions. Original author: Little pudding netizen hut: The one that starts with 172 is not Baidu spider at all. This is someone scanning your website. Netizen Fatty: It may be a fake spider scanning the website

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By the way, there is also science popularization. Sony Music invited imps to remix on its own initiative. In order to open up the Chinese rap market, Sony Music got acquainted with the good cooperation between no 808 and nyk last time. Anyway, Sony Music is satisfied with the fact that Chinese people are not satisfied with it. Some people are ashamed of their mother tongue and can't stand up. It's really shameful to open your mouth. Is there anyone willing to pay more money, It seems that people prefer to believe that Sony Music is a beggar

Professional Li Ruican Sco

 Li Ruican Scout's Profile_Life_Venture.com