The seven character formula for washing hands (what is the seven character formula for the seven step washing method) – [Home of Editing]

Seven character formula for hand washing steps (7-step washing method

What is the seven step formula? 1. Step 1 (inside): wash your palms, wet your hands with running water, apply hand sanitizer (or soap), face to face, and rub your fingers together; 2. The second step (outside): wash the dorsal knuckle, rub the palm and the back of the hand along the knuckle, and exchange the hands; 3. Step 3 (clamp)
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The seven words of the hand washing step - can't stop

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The seven character formula for washing hands (what is the seven character formula for the seven step washing method) – [Home of Editing]

 The seven character formula for washing hands (what is the seven character formula for the seven step washing method) – [Home of Editing]

 The seven character formula for washing hands (what is the seven character formula for the seven step washing method) – [Home of Editing]  The seven character formula for washing hands (what is the seven character formula for the seven step washing method) – [Home of Editing]
Hand washing steps: start to hear the calluses from the ears again, and no one has really started a new life.