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The protagonist of this issue is a 7-year veteran, who is known as "the most beautiful and beautiful girl of mixed blood in the industry". It was even rated as "the dark version of becky" by netizens of the island country. Both the figure and the face are standard dolls, but the taste of the works is heavier than each other. She is "Katrina Saida (Katrina Saida)

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It is believed that viewers who love watching Hong Kong TV dramas know Wang Yanhua. Because Wang Zulan and Wang Yanhua are very similar, and even have the same surname, many people think that Wang Zulan's father is Wang Yanhua. However, some people think that Wang Zulan's father is not Wang Yanhua, but Huang Guangming. However, these are all people's guesses

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Anyone who has seen the Battle of the Sequence of the Sword Kingdom can find that there is an elf who follows Tonggu and people all day long, or is very intimate with Athena. For no reason, they call Tongren "father" and Athena "mother". Who is he? He is a Jieyi, and she is in the game Sword Kingdom

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