
To lose oneself jQuery Se

Select drop-down box, drop-down box menu selection, drop-down box plug-in, jQuery drop-down box

A full-featured jQuery Select drop-down box menu selection plug-in, which supports multiple selection, single selection, group selection, disable, search and other common drop-down box menu selection functions.

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I never believe in lazy freedom. The freedom I yearn for is a broader life realized through diligence and hard work. That kind of freedom is precious

Menu Design | CG Resource Network - Love Creativity - Love Learning - Love Sharing (iiiDea. CN)

Wordpress's menus are simple by default. For students with high requirements, menu design is very important. This class shares many useful menu design plug-ins.

C4D Model Reconstruction Topology Surface Quadrangle Plug in Quadrangle For R21-R23+Tutorial | Baidu Cloud Disk | Online Disk Download | Chinese | Cracking | Registration | Free | Installation | iiiDea CN

Quadrangler is a trilateral optimization tool, which follows the CG resource network iiiDea The functions of the 3dmax Retopology Tools and QuadRemesher shared by CN are the same. They can be rebuilt from a polygon object with triangular faces to a neat four sided face, and can choose to reverse surface subdivision.

Rhino WIP v7.0.19288.14065 – Rhino Modeling Chinese Software Trial | Baidu Cloud Disk | Online Disk Download | Chinese | Cracking | Registration | Free | Installation | iiiDea CN

Rhino can create, edit, analyze, provide, render, animate, and convert NURBS * lines, surfaces, solids, and polygon meshes. It is not limited by precision, complexity, order or size. Rhino WIP v7.0.19288.14065 - Rhino modeling software Chinese trial version Main features: unconstrained free form 3D

free and satisfied

The stars got drunk and fell into the empty sea. I got drunk and fell in love with you

People have no faith

For scientific people, diligence is the mother of success—— Mao Yisheng

You are my chicken

If you don't have any use value, who will be your friend, right!

Professional jQuery

 JQuery Select drop-down menu to select plug-in - home of lazy people