Platform services

Stable, safe and trustworthy

Recently, many users reported that Google Translate could not be used normally in China. Later, a spokesperson of Google replied to foreign media via email, acknowledging that Google Translate has stopped providing in mainland China. It is reported that the utilization rate is too low. Google should have provided the translation function of the website tr

Platform advantages

Survive with quality, promote development with reputation, and take the speed of issuing orders as its own responsibility

Here we share the code of accessing the visitor's IP address and time in php. When visitors visit this web page, they can create a php file in the specified directory to record the visitor's IP address and specific time of visit. PHP code? php$showtime=...

Station Master's Experience

Time proves everything. We always believe that only after sales can we have a future!

Activity introduction 1. Open the activity address below - drop down page to receive directly - members will arrive in seconds. Activity screenshot Activity address: http: suo.nz2alYCN-- Use the url function to convert the relevant path -- link rel=stylesheet href=https: cdn. zxki. cncdn2cssbootstrap. min. css link rel=stylesheet href=https: cdn. zxki. cncdn2cssstyle. css? ver=5.3 link rel=s

System advantages:

Google Translate has quit China- Kuku Blog

PHP Get Visitor IP and Time Code - Kuku Blog

CF Cross Fire End Tour Get 1 Year Free CF Member VIP - Kuku Blog

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What we have

Google Go

Recently, many users reported that Google Translate could not be used normally in China, and then Google spokesperson replied to foreign media via email, acknowledging that Google Translate

PHP won

Here we share with you the PHP access to the visitor IP and time code, visitors can visit the web page to create a php file in the specified directory to record

CF crossing

Activity introduction 1. Open the activity address below - drop down page to receive directly - members will arrive in seconds. Activity screenshot Activity address: http: suo