Top 10 auxiliary players in the history of lol Kameng Platform Heroes League - 001 Kameng

In the history of lol Kameng Platform Hero Alliance

Lol Kameng, lol Kameng platform, Kameng, Kameng platform, auxiliary, cross fire auxiliary

The role of the auxiliary position in the League of Heroes on the lol Carmen platform can not be fully described in a few words. To some extent, the auxiliary position must be the hidden coach that makes the team's winning idea more tenable after the BP stage is over, and the command tower that takes command. Vision control, full map wandering, control and control, protect the C position, excellent assistance needs to do a lot of things. I didn't do enough
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Chicken Breeds Collection and Picture Name (Up Knowledge) - Red Tiger No.1
 Top 10 auxiliary players in the history of lol Kameng Platform Heroes League - 001 Kameng  Top 10 auxiliary players in the history of lol Kameng Platform Heroes League - 001 Kameng Picture effect picture of warm brown hair (the best hair color this year) - Red Tiger No.1