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Write MyBat

MyBatis is an excellent persistence layer framework, which provides a lot of convenience for development. However, when you write MySQL code in an xml file, you will encounter the situation that the tag does not prompt. How can you solve this problem? 1. To map

 What should I do if I write the XML file of MyBatis without prompt? [Offline version file attached] - programmer Ah Xin - bald with you!
Why do I choose to write the XML file of MyBatis without prompt? [Offline version file attached] - programmer Ah Xin - bald with you!
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Peace Elite Card Union auxiliary automatic card issuing king

Peace Elite Kameng Assisted Automatic Card Issuing Author: NGA holding sunflowers has seen more and more posts about discussion assistance in recent days. Many people say it is difficult to get high scores, so I give some suggestions. Experience: I, a Zhongye auxiliary player, stopped playing with 2100 points in the field and in the middle in previous seasons. But last season, because of the revision of the peak game mechanism, I stopped playing at 40 stars, so at the beginning of the season, I had to play from Star Yao to King Flower

Through Kameng, the world's first AD will come back

Although the League of Heroes has reached its twelfth season, there is no clear statement about the attribution of the world's first AD so far. No matter the smile in the peak period, the little forever black dog, or the Chidi and imp in the LCK area, the underground Carmen has never claimed to be the world's first AD in public. Recently, the rhythm of Lone Swimmer has not subsided, and many black fans use the world's first AD to attack dogs. no

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What should I do if I write the XML file of MyBatis without prompt? [Offline version file attached] - programmer Ah Xin - bald with you!

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