full name: Liu Bo


ID card verified Business card verified

Region: around Zunyi, Guizhou

Real estate: Jiuba Impression, Jingquan Green Valley, Tongzi Xingmao Tourist Resort

Company: Liu Bo
Company address:
Registration time: 2018-09-17
Online store address: 4s.zhifang.com/18693
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Agent property

Jiuba Impression

Located in Jiuba Town, Tongzi, Guizhou, the project covers an area of 1000 mu with a building area of 186000 square meters. The whole journey from Chongqing is 168km high, 1250m above sea level. The average temperature in summer is 20 ℃, and the maximum temperature is not more than 26 ℃. The negative oxygen ion is as high as 30000 per cubic centimeter. Hand in

 Jiuba Impression
Tongzi, Zunyi, Guizhou
3588 yuan/m2
Mountain view house, theme park, natural landscape

Jingquan Green Valley

Jiquan Green Valley is located in the Yujiao Mountains in the south of Tongzi County, Guizhou Province. Jingquan Green Valley focuses on leisure and vacation products, takes forestry sightseeing and farming experience as the boost, takes special products such as landscape recreation, hot spring fitness, sports experience as the breakthrough, and takes historical and cultural vacation products and ecological vacation products as the supplement

 Jingquan Green Valley
Tongzi, Zunyi, Guizhou
4500 yuan/m2
Housing, natural landscape, pension real estate, hot spring real estate

Tongzi Xingmao Tourist Resort

Chongqing's 1.5 hour holiday life circle has unlimited potential. One hour high-speed railway, 8200 mu of land, a total investment of 15 billion, 50000 square meters of commerce, shopping, catering, accommodation, leisure and entertainment as one of the commercial supporting facilities, the main area of 30-60 square houses, 80-100 courtyard villas, 1280 -

 Tongzi Xingmao Tourist Resort
Tongzi, Zunyi, Guizhou
4500 yuan/m2
Residence, villa, golf, theme park

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