Platform services

Stable, safe and trustworthy

ITop Easy Desktop is a lightweight desktop icon sorting tool, which can group desktop icons, files and folders as needed to make the desktop cleaner and easier to use. At present, the software is completely free, advertising free, and supports the Chinese version. The experience is extremely good.

Platform advantages

Survive with quality, promote development with reputation, and take the speed of issuing orders as its own responsibility

Simple Desktops is a simple desktop download website. The desktop wallpaper provided by the website is very simple and refreshing, and even looks a bit rustic. But this should also be the realm of simplifying the complexity and returning to the nature that the webmaster pursues. It also fits the current appetite of the melon skin pig.

Station Master's Experience

Time proves everything. We always believe that only after sales can we have a future!

The threshold for building a WordPress website can be said to be very low. The server, domain name, WordPress program and WordPress theme only need these elements to build a good finished website, but many people are struggling to choose the appropriate theme. Here are some popular topics for you.

System advantages:

ITop Easy Desktop - free desktop organizing software | Guapi Pig blog - free network resource sharing

Simple Desktops - Simple Desktop Download, Return to Nature | Guapi Pig Blog - Free Internet Resource Sharing

7 Wordpress classic theme recommendations | Guapi Pig blog - free network resource sharing

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What we have


ITop Easy Desktop is a lightweight desktop icon sorting tool, which can import desktop icons, files and folders as needed


Simple Desktops is a simple desktop download website. The desktop wallpaper provided by the website is very simple and refreshing

7 styles wo

The threshold for building a WordPress website can be said to be very low. Servers, domain names, WordPress programs, WordPress


Kinovea is a frame by frame player, which can play videos frame by frame to find out the details of errors in videos. It is very suitable for video editors

PDF School

As one of the most popular document formats, PDF is often used in our work, study and life.

Direct skin connection

Pipi Direct Link is a website for transferring files, sharing screens, video conferencing, and cloud clipboard. You only need to open Pipi Direct Link website on different devices