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[Table style braised pork rice] Table style braised pork rice is invited to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > Fast Food
  • Total number of stores zero home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Wuhan
  • Date of establishment 2002-01-01
  • management model Franchise of distribution agent
  • Suitable for people Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop
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Introduction to joining table style braised pork rice

 Rice with Stewed Pork, Taiwan Style

Advantages of table style braised pork rice

 Table style braised pork rice

There are many Chinese fast food brand restaurants, each of which can focus on its own special dishes. He should be familiar with the table style braised pork rice, which can be tasted in many fast food restaurants. The flavor of the food is different. The table style flavor can be the main flavor, which is slightly sweet. Sweet and salty taste better, so that customers will not be unaccustomed to the taste. People have a great demand for this food, and many people want to open stores to join. I believe you are also looking forward to learning about the joining process and advantages of table style braised pork rice.

Joining process of table style braised pork rice

1. Consultation: There are many brands you can choose for table style braised pork rice. If you are interested in a brand, you can ask the investment department for relevant information on the basis of understanding, and inquire about the specific things you want to know. You can learn about the relevant costs of opening a store, the conditions of the company's franchise for franchisees and relevant policies. Ask about the operation of the franchise store and its reputation in the market during the operation process.

2. Investigation: After learning about the brand, if you have determined your intention, you can contact the company to go to the headquarters for investigation. The investigation covers quite a lot. You can first investigate the company's qualifications, strength and internal organization. You can also learn about the production of various food series and product system of the company. You need to ask carefully what you want to know, and do a good job of investigation and investigation.

3. Signing a contract: after knowing the relevant strength, products and specific conditions of the enterprise, a detailed contract can be agreed with the company, and the relevant details can be specified in the contract according to the rights and obligations of both parties. The contract can be signed after the contract is formulated.

4. Training: after the signing of the contract, the company will organize franchisees to participate in management and operation training activities.

5. Preparation of the store: during the preparation of the store, the company will also give a unified image decoration scheme, which can be decorated according to the company's standards.

Advantages of table style braised pork rice

There are many other brands of table style braised pork rice that have their own reputation and influence, and they can mainly operate in a fast food mode. The food is served quickly, which greatly saves the dining time. You can also enjoy the company's policies and help by choosing to join, which will be much easier in business.

With regard to the joining process and advantages of table style braised pork rice, we have simply analyzed several points for you, and hope that you can be more clear about the preparation and operation of the store after reading them. The production method of table style braised pork rice is very simple, with different methods and tastes. The materials are very casual, and can be freely matched to form different tastes.

Conditions for joining table style braised pork rice

1. Have full civil capacity and independently bear civil liability.
2. Recognize the brand management concept, have a serious career attitude, and be interested in common development.
3. Franchisees should have certain financial capacity and be able to afford all expenses in the process of store construction.
4. Having a fixed place of business.
5. Voluntarily abide by the company's operation and management regulations, maintain the company's image, and implement the operation and management mode of the regulations.
6. Able to devote themselves to the operation with certain market sensitivity.
7. Full of sense of responsibility and pioneering spirit.

Joining process of table style braised pork rice

1. Project consultation and promotion stage:
(1) Request franchise information
(2) Conduct project consultation
2. Preliminary review stage:
(1) Preliminary review according to network layout plan
(2) Fill in the franchise application form and plan
(3) Prepare relevant certificates and funds
(4) Evaluate the content of the franchise application form
(5) Evaluate the franchisee's business ideas
(6) Identify suitable licensees
3. Project intention negotiation stage:
(1) Visit headquarters
(2) Further investigation by both parties
(3) Mutual intention confirmation
4. Contract signing stage:
(1) Prepare relevant certificates, funds and places
(2) Sign franchise contract
(3) Preparation stage before opening: submit opening plan
(4) House leasing, construction and preparation
(5) Opening approval (company registration)
(6) Recruitment and training of personnel
5. Cooperation stage:
(1) Opening
(2) Operation and supervision
6. Termination phase:
(1) Cooperation expires
(2) Termination for Default
(3) Procedures for termination of franchise due to force majeure

Information on joining table style braised pork rice

  • Brand name: Rice with Stewed Pork, Taiwan Style
  • Suitable for: Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Wuhan
  • Brand establishment time: 2002-01-01
  • Development mode: Agency in the distribution area Free agency
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    2024-09-24 01:47:06 From China  39.183.142*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the table style braised pork rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-14 08:20:04 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.43*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the table style braised pork rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-13 11:11:28 From Nantong, Jiangsu  49.74.96*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to the table style braised pork rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-09-12 04:19:49 From Hunan Province  42.49.85*
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