What are rare metals in resource stocks? What are the leading stocks_ Finance Online
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What are rare metals in resource stocks? What are the leading stocks?

What are the leading stocks of rare metals?

Q: Those are resource stocks

A: The periodic table of companies involving bulk commodities

Hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon sodium magnesium aluminum silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon potassium calcium scandium titanium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc

The stocks of companies that produce these materials are resource stocks

Q: Those are resource stocks. What are the leading stocks of rare metals?

A: Complete set of listed companies of rare metals (attached shares)

Rare earth minerals: Guangsheng Nonferrous (Guangdong, Guangxi Lingnan area rare earth mining), NFC (participating in Guangdong), Jiangxi Copper (Jiangxi, and possibly integrating Sichuan), Zhangzhou Tungsten (a small amount of rare earth in Fujian), Baotou Steel Rare Earth (leading the north), Minmetals Development (Hunan, Jiangxi)

Rare earth processing stocks: Zhongke Third Ring, Hengdian Dongci, Beikuang Magnetic Materials, Tiantong Shares, Taiyuan Corundum, Sinosteel Tianyuan, Shougang Shares, Yinhe Magnet, Xinke Materials (the company produces one of the rare earth copper belts in China and one of the exports), Ningbo Yunsheng, Antai Technology. The higher technology content is Zhongke Sanhuan, one of the famous technologies.

Rare and precious metal stocks: Jinmo Co., Ltd. (integrating molybdenum mine expectations, molybdenum is also a rare metal), Jean Nickel, Yunnan Chu Industry, Zhongjin Gold, Shandong Gold, Tin Industry Co., Ltd., Zhangyuan Tungsten Industry, Western Mining (the only magnesium mine and lithium carbonate), Dongfang Tantalum Industry, Salt Lake Potash Fertilizer, Salt Lake Group (the only potash mine)

Relevant listed companies:

1、 Antimony

1. Chenzhou Mining (002155): The company is a large enterprise engaged in the production of gold, antimony and tungsten polymetallic products in China. The output of antimony ingots and antimony oxide ranks second only to China Xikuangshan Shanxing Antimony Industry Company, ranking second in the world; The output of antimony metal accounts for about 10% of the world. At the end of 2008, the company owned and controlled 32 mining rights, including 16 exploration rights, covering an area of 340.84 square kilometers; 16 mining rights, covering an area of 40.095 square kilometers. Reserved resource reserves: 16.7716 million ores

Tons, up 60.07% year on year; Metal quantity: 32142 kg of gold, up 10.51% year on year; 145708 tons of antimony and 43885 tons of tungsten.

2. ST Meiyan (600868)

Stone 3.5309 million tons, antimony ore 2.6295 million tons.

3. Zhuzhou Metallurgical Group (600961): The company is a larger indium production enterprise and an important antimony and cadmium production enterprise in China. High purity antimony is mainly used to prepare III-V compound semiconductors such as In, high purity alloys, thermoelectric conversion materials, etc. It can also be used as doped elements of monocrystalline silicon and monocrystalline germanium. Indium, antimony, cadmium and other rare and precious metals are important raw materials for the production of thin film solar cells.

2、 Beryllium, tantalum, niobium

Dongfang Tantalum (000962): The company has three types of tantalum metal products, niobium metal products and beryllium alloy products, 35 series and 188 varieties

The products are widely used in electronics, metallurgy, steel, petroleum, chemical industry, automobile, communication, construction, transportation, nuclear energy, aerospace, aviation and other high-tech fields. In recent years, 19 products of other tantalum metals, alloy compounds, artificial crystals, processing materials, products and beryllium alloy processing materials have been sold to the international market. Significant achievements have been made in the development of high-temperature refractory metals, high-temperature oxidation resistant materials and new materials. The variety of export products has increased year by year, initially forming a pattern of all-round export. The production technology has reached the world's advanced level. More than 20 production lines have been established around new rare metal materials such as tantalum, niobium and beryllium, which has become the main supply base of new rare metal materials in China.

As one of the three largest tantalum companies in the world, the company has 550 tons of tantalum powder and 80 tons of tantalum wire capacity, with market share of 25% and 60% respectively. Through horizontal mergers and acquisitions, the company has formed a multi business development model of tantalum products, silicon carbide cutting materials, nickel hydroxide, titanium processing and real estate.

The company has three types of tantalum metal products, niobium metal products and beryllium alloy products, 35 series and 188 varieties of products, which are widely used in high-tech fields such as electronics, metallurgy, steel, petroleum, chemical industry, automobile, communication, construction, transportation, nuclear energy, aerospace, aviation, etc. In recent years, 19 products of other tantalum metals, alloy compounds, artificial crystals, processing materials, products and beryllium alloy processing materials have been sold to the international market. Significant achievements have been made in the development of high-temperature refractory metals, high-temperature oxidation resistant materials and new materials. The variety of export products has increased year by year, initially forming a pattern of all-round export. The production technology has reached the world's advanced level. More than 20 production lines have been established around new rare metal materials such as tantalum, niobium and beryllium, which has become the main supply base of new rare metal materials in China.

3、 Cobalt

1. GREENMEY (002340): The company is the first listed company that recycles electronic waste into plastic wood profiles, ultra-fine cobalt powder, ultra-fine nickel powder and other high value-added products in the cobalt nickel industry, "turning waste into treasure", taking the unlimited "urban mines" of waste resources as resources, and breaking away from the manufacturing mode of traditional enterprises in the industry relying on limited natural mines.

2. MCC (601618): The company is one of the largest engineering construction comprehensive enterprise groups in the world. Its main business covers engineering contracting, resource development, equipment manufacturing, real estate development and other fields, ranking 380 among the world's top 500 enterprises announced by Fortune magazine in 2009. The company is engaged in resource development business focusing on metal mineral products, which is an important force for overseas resource development in China. In addition to China, the company has

There are many metal mineral resources such as iron, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, cobalt, gold, etc. It has the smelting and processing capacity of zinc, lead, copper and other metals, and is also engaged in the processing of polysilicon.

3. Jinling Mining (000655): The company focuses on the production, sales and machining of iron concentrate, copper concentrate and cobalt concentrate, with stable growth in performance. At present, the company's operating assets are mainly iron ore mining and beneficiation, of which high-quality assets include Tieshan Xinzhuang Mining Area, Houzhuang Mining Area, concentrator, etc.

4、 Rare earth (including 17 rare metals of scandium, yttrium and lanthanide)

1. Baotou Steel Rare Earth (600111): Baiyunebo Iron Mine, which is affiliated to Baotou Steel (Group) Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company, has rich rare earth resources. The company's main business is to develop and utilize the world's richest rare earth reserves of Baiyunebo rare earth resources, and has unique resource advantages. Rare earth is a chemical element

The 17 elements in the periodic table are collectively referred to as lanthanides, which are more and more widely used in rare earth industry and agriculture. Baiyunebo Iron Mine, which is the controlling shareholder of the company, owns 62% of the world's rare earth resources, accounting for 87.1% of the proven reserves in China. Baiyunebo ore deposit of Baotou Steel is a multi-element paragenetic ore of iron, rare earth, etc

The unique resource advantage has created a unique industrial advantage of Baotou Steel, which is rare among metallurgical enterprises in the world, focusing on steel and rare earth. Baotou Rare Earth Research Institute

It is the only national rare earth professional research institution in China.

2. Guangsheng Nonferrous Metals (600259): Guangsheng Nonferrous Metals has successively established or acquired eight rare earth enterprises, including Longnan Heli, Heyuan Mining, Heyuan High tech, Xinfeng Development, Xinfeng High tech, Pingyuan Huaqi, Xinchengji and Guangdong Fuyuan. It has more advanced production technology for rare earth separation in China and is relatively complete

Rare earth industry chain. The company now has two mining certificates, and the reserve of rare earth reserves is 7131500 tons (11600 tons based on rare earth oxide).

3. NFC (000758): The Group's rare earth resources, such as lead, zinc and rare earth, are mainly carried out by the listed company NFC. Zhongse Nanfang Rare Earth (Xinfeng) Co., Ltd., a 100% subsidiary of the company, is engaged in rare earth exploration, mining, processing and operation; Production and manufacturing of rare earth metals and rare earth oxygen

Chemicals, rare earth compounds and rare earth application products, rare earth products processing; The company holds 72% of the subsidiary Guangdong Pearl River Rare Earth Co., Ltd., which is

An export-oriented enterprise engaged in the separation of all 15 rare earth elements and the extended processing and production of some separated products, and a national rare earth enterprise dealing with ion type ores in the south

In the industry, its production scale and sales volume are among the top.

4. Minmetals Development (600058): The company develops tungsten, rare earth, tin, bismuth and other nonferrous metal resources, and carries out deep processing of rare earth, bismuth and other minerals


5、 Fluorite

Juhua Co., Ltd. (600160): The company is a larger production base of fluorine chemical industry in China. It is located in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, the "fluorine capital of China", which gathers about 40% of the country's fluorite resources. Fluorite (calcium fluoride CaF2) is the root of fluorine chemical industry. In industry, fluorite and concentrated * * * are used to manufacture hydrofluoric acid. When heated to 250 ℃, these two substances will react to generate hydrogen fluoride (HF), Hydrofluoric acid has a strong ability to dissolve oxides. It is used as electrolyte in electrolytic aluminum, and the electrolyte of lithium battery is also fluoride. Juhua has the production technology of lithium hexafluorophosphate * * *, and produces anhydrous hydrogen fluoride as the upstream raw material of lithium hexafluorophosphate. Both the website of Juhua and the investment promotion projects of Juhua in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province have lithium hexafluorophosphate projects. The prosperity of lithium ion batteries will drive the fluorine chemical industry chain of upstream electrolyte lithium hexafluorophosphate, and Juhua is ushering in opportunities.

Q: Those are resource stocks. What are the leading stocks of rare metals? What are the listed companies related to the mineral resources of "germanium, zinc, antimony, vanadium and titanium"?

A: Germanium, zinc, antimony, vanadium and titanium can belong to small industries.

Germanium Yunnan Germanium 002428 Chihong Zinc Germanium 600497 Pangang Vanadium Titanium (000629)

That's too much.

Just take a look at the following. I hope it will help you.

1、 Ten kinds of rare metal faucets for strategic collection and storage:

Rare earth: Baotou Steel Rare earth -- one of the world's mineral reserves.

Tungsten: Xiamen Tungsten Industry --- the world's better manufacturer of tungsten materials.

Antimony: Chenzhou Mining is rich in reserves.

Molybdenum: Golden Molybdenum shares -- bigger in Asia.

Tin: tin industry shares - tin ore reserves account for 1/10 of the world.

Indium: Zhuzhou Metallurgical Group - indium metal has been proved.

Germanium: Chihong Zinc Germanium -- one of the output of germanium in China.

Gallium: Nanfeng Chemical --- proved reserves.

Tantalum: Dongfang Tantalum Industry --- one of the world's tantalum wire markets.

Zirconium: Dongfang Zirconium Industry -- entering nuclear zirconium.

2、 Other rare small metal leading stocks:

Scandium: Hailiang shares - proved scandium is more than 70 tons, worth about 70 billion yuan.

Titanium: Baosteel Titanium Co., Ltd. - a larger titanium smelting in China.

Nickel: Gene Nickel, one of Asia's nickel industries.

Lead and zinc ore: HTC -- Asia is bigger.

Lead and zinc: Zhongjin Lingnan --- a larger lead and zinc concentrate in China

Chromium: * * * mining industry --- more domestic reserves.

Tungsten: China Tungsten High tech Co., Ltd. - the world's leading subsidiary

Silver: Yuguang gold lead - rich silver reserves.

Potassium: Guannong Shares -- participating in SDIC Lop Nor Potash.

Phosphorus: Xingfa Group -- the phosphorus reserves are larger in the world.

Barium salt, strontium salt: Red Star development - better in China.

Yellow phosphorus: Malone industry -- a larger yellow phosphorus enterprise in China

NdFeB: Zhongke Sanhuan -- China is bigger and the world's second largest.

Strontium: * ST Jinrui -- occupies 50% of domestic strontium mineral resources.

Vanadium: Tianxing Instrument has acquisition plans.

Aotu: Chaodong Shares -- a larger attapulgite mine in China.

Vanadium and titanium: Panzhihua Chongqing Titanium Industry is one of the world's leading industries.

Zinc, Indium, Cadmium: zinc industry shares -- the third zinc smelting industry in the world.

Rare mineral raw materials are on the short list

(1) Antimony: Chenzhou Mining (002155), Zhuzhou Metallurgical Group (600961)

(2) Beryllium: Dongfang Tantalum (000962)

(3) Cobalt: MCC (601618)

(4) Fluorite: Juhua Shares (600160)

(5) Gallium: Nanfeng Chemical (000737)

(6) Germanium: Chihong Zinc Germanium (600497), Luo Ping Zinc Electricity (002114)

(7) Graphite: Fangda Carbon (600516), Sinosteel Jitan (000928), Tianlong Optoelectronics (300029)

(8) Indium: Zhuzhou Metallurgical Group (600961), ST Mount Everest (600338)

(9) Magnesium: Yunhai Metal (002182)

(10) Niobium: Dongfang Tantalum (000962)

(11) Platinum Group Metals: Zinc (000751), Taihua (600281), Guiyan Platinum (600459)

(12) Rare Earth (including 17 rare metals of scandium, yttrium and lanthanide): Baotou Steel Rare Earth (600111), NFC (000758), Guangsheng Nonferrous (600259)

(13) Tantalum: Dongfang Tantalum (000962)

(14) Tungsten: Chenzhou Mining (002155), Xiamen Tungsten (600549)

label: What are rare metals in resource stocks What are the leading stocks What are ten kinds of rare metal faucets Complete collection of listed companies of rare metals

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