Is it unnecessary for individual candidates to take the college entrance examination? Can I change my major after single admission_ Finance Online
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Is it unnecessary for individual candidates to take the college entrance examination? Can I change my major after single admission?

Every year, the college entrance exam is an exam that everyone cares about very much, and it is also a nationwide talent recruitment exam. However, in addition to selecting talents through the college entrance examination, there is also a way of selecting talents called "single recruitment". What is the "single move"? What is the meaning of "single move"? Can I change my major after "single enrollment"? To solve these doubts, we need to understand the specific meaning of "single move".

1. What is "single move"?

"Single enrollment" mainly means that ordinary colleges and universities recruit students independently without passing the college entrance examination, so that individuals can enroll students * * * for a school examination alone. Since "single enrollment" is an individual's application for the college entrance examination, rather than a national unified examination, candidates do not have to take the college entrance examination. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the scores of "single enrollment" are much lower than those of college entrance examination.

However, after the Ministry of Education and other departments launched the "strong foundation plan" in 2020, they made some requirements for "single enrollment". After 2020, undergraduate colleges will gradually withdraw from the ranks of "single enrollment", and undergraduate colleges will no longer implement the "single enrollment" policy. However, "single enrollment" is an effective supplement to the college entrance examination and also plays an important role in the past enrollment.

2. Can I change my major after "single enrollment"?

From the requirements of "single enrollment", colleges and universities that participate in "single enrollment" are generally not allowed to change their majors. Candidates should clarify their majors before "single enrollment". Because the admission score of "single enrollment" is much lower than that of the college entrance examination, the probability of going to college will be higher. This is originally a "shortcut". What's the reason for changing majors?

Moreover, the original intention of "single enrollment" is to recruit those who are suitable for the development of the professional field, rather than let candidates change their majors after enrollment, which is contrary to the original intention of "single enrollment". Finally, candidates who can accept the "single enrollment" are generally those who are very interested in this major. It is a voluntary act to apply for the exam out of their own interests and love, so there is no problem of changing majors.

3. Why can't I change my major after "single enrollment"?

You should understand that some undergraduate colleges and universities implement "single enrollment" to enroll candidates, in fact, rather than lowering the standard to enroll students, or enrolling candidates with a lower score, but the university specialty should conform to the actual situation of the candidates, and the candidates' strengths should match the nature of the specialty.

If a candidate is very suitable for the development of the major and is also a talented person in the major, and enters the major through "single enrollment", it will promote the professional development of the candidate, and can also effectively "teach students in accordance with their aptitude". The talented candidate should enter the corresponding major. "Single enrollment" is just to provide a platform for these examinees, rather than lowering the standard to enroll some students who are not suitable for professional development.

If the examinee is admitted by "single enrollment", can he change his major? The answer is no, since you have talent and expertise in this major, you are qualified to enter the corresponding major. If you change your major after the success of the "single move", assuming that the major you are good at does not match, then you can only waste your talent and lose a talent. What do you think?

label: What is a single move Can I change my major after single enrollment Candidates do not have to take the college entrance examination Individual registration for school

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