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  • After sales guarantee
 [About accessories] Body+battery+charger+shoulder strap [About delivery] Deliver according to the quality [About pictures] Pictures are for reference only [Definition of fineness] 95 New slight paint peeling, slight use trace and oil gloss [Negotiable or not] Genuine and genuine products, with a firm conscience [Commodity source] is recycled through formal channels [About freight] SF package mail, except in remote areas [About quality assurance] Hummingbird platform has a 365 day warranty, and artificial damage is not within the scope of the warranty

After sales guarantee

Hummingbird Identification Solemn Commitment

 After sales description: A: Appearance inspection period of goods received: 1 day (all are physical pictures, and each of our goods is physical pictures) B: The goods have no quality problems and will not be returned. It is not supported to return goods simply because you don't like them. Freight description: Shunfeng parcel post (except in remote areas)