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What's wrong with Bing search not including the whole site? "Solution" - Xinrui webmaster website

Then the previous one: Bing didn't include websites or how K solved the problem. In almost two weeks, Bing also sent me the review results to Google Email. Baidu Translation Results: Thank you for your patience! After further review, it seems that your website https:www.qb97.cn does not meet the standards set by Bing when it was last crawled. After reviewing again, we confirm that your website continues to violate our webmaster guide. Please check our website management

Link114 can't access any good similar tools. Recommend "iis7 webmaster's home" - Xinrui webmaster website

Recently, I heard many webmasters discuss that link114 cannot be opened. Is there any tool similar to link114? There is really a better model than Link114. This is called the home of the webmaster of iis7. It is really easier to use than Link114. Free users can query 500 domains at a time, and it needs members to query whether there is a BA in Link114. It seems that the interface has been disabled in Link. This iis7

In October 2021, Sogou quickly included the tutorial on the inside page to share the practical experience "Sogou fast inclusion method" - Xinrui webmaster website

Recently, many webmasters have been thinking about Sogou as the second search engine in China, but the threshold of Sogou inclusion should be the lowest compilation of several major engines, which brings us nearly half a year of practical experience. First, you need to find a domain name with Sogou inclusion to do a jump and then bind it to the background of Sogou webmasters one after another for revision, Of course, it needs a series of pseudo static jumps. "Although Sogou does not support Baidu's rule revision," the spider actually crawls your website. If Sogou only includes the home page

worried and distressed

If we always' accept 'others' definition of ourselves, we will believe that their evaluation is more true. To know oneself from the perspective of others, this reverse way of knowing oneself from external factors can only make the understanding of oneself more vague—— Don't Control Me with Love

It's Yu Wenzhou's wife

The children's shoes throw eggs to those who see the bullshit.

Travel around the spring field

Up to now, it will not be a matter of heaven. It should be Chang'e throwing with people—— Tang · Pi Rixiu, "Guizi in Tianzhu Temple on the 15th day of August"

Professional Yueyue blog depth

 Yueyue Blog Deep Sharing SEO Spider Quick Arrangement- Xinrui webmaster network