Platform services

Stable, safe and trustworthy

OCT Group is a wholly-owned subsidiary of OCT Group, a professional executive agency of product innovation research business, with the main responsibilities of product control, planning and coordination, innovation incubation, and alliance management.

Platform advantages

Survive with quality, promote development with reputation, and take the speed of issuing orders as its own responsibility

OCT Alliance, founded in November 2017, is sponsored by OCT Group, which gathers top experts, scholars and high-quality institutions at home and abroad to comprehensively coordinate culture

Station Master's Experience

Time proves everything. We always believe that only after sales can we have a future!

Shenzhen Yitu Chengtai Urban Operation Co., Ltd. is a full chain integration operator of industry city integration. It helps update by promoting urban renewal and circulation of industrial operation elements,

System advantages:

Overseas Chinese Town Innovation Research Institute

OCT Alliance

Yitu Chengtai - a leading resource allocation platform for industry city integration

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What we have

OCT Innovation

OCT Group is a wholly-owned secondary subsidiary, a professional executive agency for product innovation research business, product control, planning and coordination, innovation incubation, and alliance management

OCT Innovation

OCT Alliance, founded in November 2017, is sponsored by OCT Group and gathers international countries

Yitu Chengtai

Shenzhen Yitu Chengtai Urban Operation Co., Ltd. is a full chain integration operator of industry city integration. It helps to improve the quality of urban development by promoting urban renewal and the circulation of industrial operation elements