Platform services

Stable, safe and trustworthy

Competitiveness is not very good. It is recommended for newcomers who like hymen design and breakthrough

Platform advantages

Survive with quality, promote development with reputation, and take the speed of issuing orders as its own responsibility

Kongfu is not a human force. In the original animation story, Kongfu is actually a pseudo human force. There is not only a small part of the nine tail chakras in the body, but also can be set against the nine tail chakras in Naruto's body to carry out tail animalization. In the war with Naruto, Kongji also bursts out four tails of energy, and can use the tail cannon to attack

Station Master's Experience

Time proves everything. We always believe that only after sales can we have a future!

"Shilipo Sword Soul" is a very famous game theme of "Legend of the Wonderful Swords". It started with a post published on PTT community forum in November 2005. The poster, Bill 7437, said that he could not find his way to Suzhou City after finishing the story of Hangzhou Yuhang in "Sword 1", so he took Zhao

System advantages:

Gemini and Second Daughter - Flower Voice Aircraft Cup Evaluation - Charm of Breakthrough - Understanding Cup Evaluation Network

Is Naruto Kongfu a human power? (Naruto Kongfu's experience and analysis) - Understanding Cupmaster Evaluation Network

What is Shilipo Sword God? Xiaobai can become a god after 80 days' cultivation - Understanding Cup Emperor Evaluation Network

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What we have

Gemini B

Competitiveness is not very good. It is recommended for newcomers who like hymen design and breakthrough


Kongfu is not a human force. In the original animation story, Kongfu is actually a pseudo human force. There is not only a small part of the nine tail Chakra in the body, which can communicate with

Shilipo Sword

"Shilipo Sword Soul" is a very famous game theme of "Legend of Swordsman", which was first published on PTT community forum in November 2005