
Silent bullies

#Share , #Viewpoints , #Film review

💡 This article contains some key story spoilers, please read carefully. After waiting for such a long time, the silent killing finally reached the streaming media platform. Just in time for the holiday, guests also came to my home. After lunch, I watched the movie with my family. Unlike some other films, which are implicit in the output of internal views, this film is very straightforward. The title "Silent Bullies" is my summary of the point that the director of this film wants to convey. Yes

Cardiotonic needle

#Essay , #Viewpoints

After writing Wonton, Dumpling and Wonton, I found that the memory is really beautiful. People always say to look ahead, look ahead, and the future will be more beautiful! So does always recalling the past mean that the present is not good? Although this argument is not sufficient, at least I want to put myself in this kind of situation. The more difficult, confused and helpless people are, the more subconsciously they want to guide us through these beautiful and dry heart rivers

Experience of two CMS systems

#Coding , #Share , #Toolbox

Because Ghost only provides the HTML code of the article and does not provide Markdown, I once wanted to change the CMS system. But the transfer of nearly 800 articles is very troublesome, and I have tried to use some tools before, and none of them has failed. Most of the problems are due to the format problems of many articles before ancient times, and I can't use some HTML to Markdown tool conversion rules

How to quickly parse WikiLink in HTML?


Hello Astro the other day! It is mentioned in that we want to integrate the OBSIDIAN articles in the blog, and realize the mutual reference between CMS and OBSIDIAN through Wikilink. However, because the Ghost API only provides the HTML string of the article, the WikiLink plug-in derived from Remark must not be used, and the WikiL that can be found on Github at present

🤣 JUSTFUN Weekly: Issue 14


One Chart Daily Book * September 2, 2024: Suddenly, I have a new understanding of Astro's grammar. Maybe I can do it* September 2, 2024: If the earth is a school and every country is a school child, then the eagle is the bully of campus bullying* September 2, 2024: The meaning of freedom is: I can fuck you freely, you can't fight back* September 2, 2024: I am really

Hello Astro!

#Coding , #Share

In March 2024, I officially used Ghost blog as a headless CMS and used it with SSG tools to generate static pages. In fact, Astro was considered in the technology selection at that time. The version number of Astro at that time was still 3. x, but because its technology was not mature enough, the coding idea was always the template structure of handlers in the Ghost period. After many unsuccessful attempts

What plug-ins and tools do I use for Obsidian and Windows

#Toolbox , #Share

I just saw an article published by Ya Yu about what plug-ins I use for both Observer and WordPress, so I also want to share the plug-ins I use for Observer, but I don't use WordPress, so I would like to share some tools on Windows. Obsidian first talked about Obsidian. In fact, I have used many note taking software, from Triliu

VPS backup script repair

#VPS , #Share , #Coding

Previously, in the server reinstallation setup guide, I shared a list of optimization operations after the initial installation of VPS, in which I shared a backup script for data. Through a variety of configuration items, files For the multi version backup strategy of MySQL data, please refer to the lower list: * retain one backup a year ago * retain one backup 150 days ago * retain one backup 90 days ago * retain 30 days