Ask Heaven and Borrow Earth! 2023 Shenzhen Industrial Upstairs Experience Reference and Trend Report Sharing will hit heavyweights _ Finance Online
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Ask Heaven and Borrow Earth! 2023 Shenzhen Industry Upbuilding Experience and Trend Report Sharing will hit

Shenzhen has suddenly become "more"!

(Related data drawing)

As China's "first industrial city", Shenzhen is determined to build a world leading advanced manufacturing center. Shenzhen has a strong demand for industrial space. However, as a metropolis with an area of less than 2000 square kilometers, about half of Shenzhen's land is within the ecological control line, and the area of developable land is only 973.5 square kilometers, only 40.2% of Shanghai's and 28.8% of Suzhou's.

Moreover, the total population of Shenzhen has exceeded 17.66 million, ranking first in China. Industrial land superimposes commercial land and residential land, and the land development intensity of Shenzhen is far beyond the internationally recognized warning line of 30%, reaching 50%.

As Shenzhen puts forward the strategy of "building a city through industry" again and speeds up the building of a 20+8 industrial cluster, land development is getting closer to the upper limit. Difficult to use land, expensive land and prominent contradiction between people and land will inevitably affect Shenzhen's investment attraction and sustainable industrial development The more serious consequences may lead to the accelerated relocation of Shenzhen's industries, leading to industrial hollowing out.

All kinds of signs indicate that, Consolidate the "basic plate" of manufacturing industry, and Shenzhen urgently needs to solve the problem of industrial development space

Faced with the difficulty of sustaining the land, Making industry go upstairs and borrow land from the sky has become a practical breakthrough As a pioneer of reform and opening up, Shenzhen has embarked on a new path in terms of industrial space security.

"Industrial upstairs" is a vertical space form that gathers the traditional flat factory buildings spread out on one floor to the high floors, allowing enterprises to carry out industrial research and development, design, production and office in the high buildings. From the perspective of current market universality, industrial buildings refer to high-rise factories (or high-rise industrial buildings) with a height of more than 24 meters, or with six or more floors.

Since November 2022, when Shenzhen officially launched the "industrial upgrading" plan, "industrial upgrading" has become an important measure to promote the high-quality development of Shenzhen's advanced manufacturing industry and further strengthen reform and innovation. "Industrial upstairs" borrows land from the sky, expanding the industrial space; "Industrial upstairs" means upstream and downstream, which promotes industrial integration; "Industrial development", "three life", "three innovation" and "three balance" boost industrial development

It is reported that 72 "industrial upstairs" projects have been planned in all districts of Shenzhen, and will be constructed at least 20 million square meters every year for five consecutive years to provide the society with high-quality low-cost industrial space for "industrial upstairs". In other words, Shenzhen's "industrial upgrading" is to exchange low-cost industrial space for high-quality manufacturing development, thus promoting the manufacturing industry to the high-end of the industrial chain innovation chain.

A typical case is that before the implementation of the "industrial upstart", the Quanzhi Science and Technology Innovation Park in Bao'an District of Shenzhen was mainly a traditional low-end manufacturing industry. After the transformation, the industrial land was expanded from 50000 square meters to 150000 square meters, and the leading industry was also transformed into the robot and intelligent equipment industry.

(Source: Special Research Report on 2023 Shenzhen Industrial Upstairs Development, Prospective Industry Research Institute)

This effective measure of Shenzhen was highly recognized by the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Notice of the National Development and Reform Commission on Promoting Innovative Measures and Experiences of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone was specially issued, It is pointed out that Shenzhen's innovative attempt to "go upstairs in industry" is reasonable and effective, and will be copied and popularized nationwide

The scarcity of overall construction land is a common phenomenon in cities, which affects the high-quality development of urban industry. In order to provide other cities with a model for Shenzhen's "industrial development", the Prospective Industry Research Institute, as a scientific and technological industry think tank unit of the Chinese 1800+government for 25 years, will link with the Shenzhen Industrial Park Development Promotion Association, a professional social organization with important influence in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, At 14:30-17:00 on September 14, 2023 (Thursday), in Hall 1 of the Prospective Industry Research Institute, the theme was held grandly: "Ask the sky, borrow the land, seek development of industry, go up to the building depth first"—— 2023 Shenzhen Industrial Upstairs Experience Reference and Trend Report Sharing Meeting "

This sharing meeting will rely on multiple factors such as land nature, overall planning, building parameters, supporting facilities and environmental protection that need to be considered in the "industrial building", and put forward strategic decision-making suggestions for the overall layout of the project from a professional perspective in terms of project location, industrial positioning, industrial space design and operation implementation.

At the same time, at the meeting, The Prospective Industry Research Institute will release the Special Research Report on 2023 Shenzhen Industrial Development (hereinafter referred to as the Report). Lu Yanwen, Vice President of the Prospective Industry Research Institute and a senior practical expert in the field of 30-year industrial planning, will deeply interpret the report The Report was compiled based on the field research of dozens of "industrial projects" in Shenzhen by the Prospective Industry Research Institute, six databases of the Prospective Industry Research Institute and more than 20 years of experience in industrial planning and park planning.

From The advanced mode, guidance and construction model, typical cases, development trend and other aspects of Shenzhen's industrial development are interpreted in a multidimensional way In combination with the pilot demonstration experience of Shenzhen's industrial development, local governments, industrial parks, industrial developers, manufacturing enterprises and other relevant units can jointly discuss how to solve the space problem, improve land use efficiency, introduce high-end industries and advanced production capacity, provide a strong space guarantee for industrial development, achieve industry city integration, and commit to "industrial development" Building a high-quality communication platform for development thinking also provides detailed and professional reference for other cities to build "industrial upstairs" projects.

(Source: Special Research Report on 2023 Shenzhen Industrial Upstairs Development, Prospective Industry Research Institute)

Industry is the main body of the real economy. Driven by the goal of economic growth, industrial development often faces the dual pressure of accelerated transformation and upgrading and tight land resources. Breaking the bottleneck of industrial land use and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading requires the joint efforts of local governments, industrial parks, industrial developers, manufacturing enterprises, think tanks and other parties. Welcome people from all walks of life to actively sign up for participation "Ask the Heaven and Borrow the Earth to Develop Industry, Go to the Building and Go to the Depth First—— 2023 Shenzhen Industrial Upstairs Experience Reference and Trend Report Sharing Meeting " And talk about the prospects and opportunities behind "industrial upgrading".

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