How did the "sponge city" develop when the heavy rain came? [Attached with Analysis of the Current Situation of Sponge City Construction and Development] _Financial Online
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How did the "sponge city" develop when the heavy rain came? [Attach the analysis of the current situation of sponge city construction and development]

Sponge city is a new generation of urban stormwater management concept, which means that cities can be like sponges and have good flexibility in adapting to environmental changes and responding to natural disasters caused by rainwater. It can also be called "water elastic city".

Since August this year, affected by typhoon and other weather, flood disasters have been serious in various places, affecting millions of people. How is the sponge city?

(Data map)

Since April 2015, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance determined the first batch of 16 pilot sponge cities, including Wuhan, Jinan and Chongqing, the sponge city construction projects have been launched in succession. In 2016, after the release of the second batch of sponge city pilot areas, sponge city construction projects around the country showed a rapid growth momentum.

The change of PPP project scale tends to be flat

According to the statistics of the government of the Ministry of Finance and the Social Capital Cooperation Center, since 2015, the number of PPP projects for sponge city construction in China has shown a trend of rising first and then falling. From 2015 to 2017, with the rapid implementation of two batches of pilot city sponge city construction projects, the number of PPP projects for sponge city construction in various regions has increased significantly. Since 2018, the number of PPP projects has declined. As of November 2020, only 2 new sponge city PPP projects have been launched in the whole year.

From the perspective of investment amount, since 2015, the total investment of PPP construction projects in sponge cities across the country has exceeded 100 billion yuan. In 2016, affected by the outbreak of sponge city construction in pilot cities, the annual investment in PPP construction of sponge cities reached 48.04 billion yuan, the highest in recent years.

In terms of the average investment amount of projects, since 2015, the average investment amount of PPP projects in sponge cities in China has basically maintained at more than 1 billion yuan per project. In 2017, the average investment amount of PPP construction in sponge cities was 2.112 billion yuan per project, the highest in recent years.

Wan Qian, associate professor of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, believes that sponge cities can not completely solve the problem of urban flood and drought, but provide a more flexible way to deal with natural extreme weather phenomena such as flood and drought.

Chen Qianhu, director of the Sponge City Research Center of Zhejiang University of Technology, believes that the frequent "sea watching" phenomenon of sponge cities in various places actually shows that the strength and depth of the construction of sponge cities are far from enough.

Prospective Economist APP Information Group

For more research and analysis on this industry, please refer to the Analysis Report on China's Sponge City Construction Trend and Investment Strategic Planning from 2023 to 2028 issued by the Prospective Industry Research Institute

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