Huawei Mate 60 "scalping business" is hot! Small county and city capital premium of 600 to 700 yuan [with mobile phone shipment analysis] _Financial Online
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Huawei Mate 60 "scalping business" is hot! A premium of 600 to 700 yuan for the small county and city capital [with analysis of mobile phone shipments]

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On September 5, Huawei Mate 60 Pro entered its eighth day of sales, and it was still more difficult to purchase the phone at the original price, However, the reselling business involving dealers, Huaqiang North backpackers and scalpers is extremely hot. Hubei mobile phone retailer said that Huawei Mate 60 Pro Now the premium is six or seven hundred yuan Many people make inquiries, even in remote small counties.

The 512GB price of Huawei Mate 60 Pro priced on the official website is 6999 yuan. The price offered by Huaqiang North backpackers is 7600 yuan, and the price of the blue version is 7980 yuan, which was once as high as 8200 yuan, with a premium of 1201 yuan.

(Data map)

At present, China's mobile phone market is generally stagnant , affected by many factors. However, contrary to the overall market trend, Huawei's mobile phone sales show an upward trend. Huawei's investment and development in 5G has also brought new growth points to its mobile phone business. The booming sales of Huawei mobile phones undoubtedly injected vitality and hope into the mobile phone market. With the intensification of market competition, many brands are facing the dilemma of declining sales and market share. However, Huawei has successfully broken through and become a market leader through outstanding product performance and innovative design.

——Analysis of mobile phone shipments in China's domestic market

From 2017 to 2021, the mobile phone shipments in China's domestic market fluctuated and declined. In 2021, the mobile phone shipments in the domestic market will be 351 million, an increase of 13.9% over 2020.

——Analysis of 5G mobile phone shipments in China

The proportion of 5G mobile phone shipments in total mobile phone shipments is increasing. In 2021, the domestic mobile phone shipments will reach 351 million, up 13.9% year on year, including 266 million 5G mobile phones, up 63.5% from December 2020, accounting for 75.9% of the mobile phone shipments in the same period. From January to June 2022, 109 million 5G mobile phones were shipped, a year-on-year decrease of 14.5%, accounting for 80.2% of the mobile phone shipments in the same period.

——Huawei takes the first place in China's 5G mobile phone market

According to the data released by the daily interactive big data, the main competitors in China's 5G mobile phone market at present include Huawei, OPPO, VIVO, Xiaomi, Apple and other brands. From the first quarter to the third quarter of 2021, Huawei will take the first place, followed by OPPO and VIVO. Apple will surpass Xiaomi in the second quarter of 2021, ranking the fourth in market rate.

Analyst Guo Mingxuan said that the shipping volume of Mate 60 Pro could reach 5.5 – 6 million units only four months after the launch. According to this market trend, Mate 60 Pro is on sale The cumulative shipment volume after 12 months is expected to reach at least 12 million units.

Excluding potential non-commercial risks and benefiting from the demand and market influence of Mate 60 Pro, Huawei's mobile phone shipments in 2023 will grow by about 65% to 38 million units year on year. Looking forward to 2024, Huawei's mobile phone shipments are expected to reach at least 60 million , which is the strongest growth momentum of global mobile phone brands.

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