demand exceeds supply! Aussie lobster harvest in Xinjiang desert: big hands, 260 yuan/kg _ financial online
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demand exceeds supply! A bumper harvest of Australian lobster in Xinjiang desert: big hands, 260 yuan/kg

Once upon a time, aquaculture was almost impossible in desert areas of Xinjiang due to lack of water sources. The main water bodies in desert areas are dry rivers and lakes, and the water quality is not suitable for aquaculture.

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In recent days, Australian freshwater lobsters bred at the Australian Freshwater Lobster Breeding Base in Maggette County have been listed, becoming the "new favorite" of the aquatic market. Aquatic products in Xinjiang desert are once again popular.

Australian freshwater lobster, also known as red crayfish, is a large lobster, generally weighing 100-200g, and the largest lobster is a palm. It is native to Australia. The market price is 260 yuan/kg, and the product is in short supply, which is exactly when Feimei came into the market. In recent years, after the introduction of trial breeding in Markit County in Shandong Province and the success of artificial propagation of seedlings, Wu Zhiyou, the person in charge of the pilot breeding base of Australian freshwater lobster in Markit County with experience in aquaculture, began to try to breed Australian freshwater lobster. In June, it began to breed young shrimps. After careful management and scientific feeding, the young shrimps have grown into high-quality Australian freshwater lobsters and become a hot spot in the market.

In recent two years, Maigaiti County has carried out large-scale aquaculture. In addition to Australian lobster, there are more aquatic projects, such as crabs, to join the "Desert Club" of Xinjiang aquatic products.

With the rapid development of China's economy, the living standard of residents has been continuously improved, which has led to the continuous optimization and improvement of China's consumption structure. The proportion of aquatic products in the diet structure has been increasing, which has promoted the continuous growth of China's aquatic product demand, and further promoted the continuous improvement of China's total output of aquatic products. In 2021, the output of aquatic products in China will reach 66.9029 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 2.16%, including 33.8724 million tons of seawater products and 33.3035 million tons of freshwater products.

Development trend of modern breeding industry in China

According to the development of China's modern breeding industry, the three major development trends in the future are scale, intelligence and branding. The improvement of China's modern aquaculture layout will further promote the development of modern agriculture.

Mr. Lin of Youyu (Guangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. said that a wave of investment boom might rise in freshwater aquaculture in the future, which would attract investors or investment institutions outside the industry to enter the freshwater aquaculture industry.

Mr. Lin said that recently, all the freshwater aquaculture practitioners are working hard, and they think that a new round of business opportunities may be ushered in for China's aquaculture industry. Freshwater aquaculture itself has a large investment and a long production cycle, so the current attitude of everyone may be more observation.

Prospective Economist APP Information Group

For more research and analysis on this industry, please refer to the Analysis Report on Market Outlook and Investment Strategic Planning of China's Aquaculture Industry from 2023 to 2028 issued by the Prospective Industry Research Institute

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