Triple growth in 10 years! China's installed capacity of renewable energy exceeded 1.3 billion kilowatts [attach supply and demand of new energy market] _Financial Online
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Triple growth in 10 years! The installed capacity of renewable energy in China has exceeded 1.3 billion kilowatts [attach supply and demand of new energy market]

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Recently, the 2023 International Energy Change Forum co sponsored by the National Energy Administration, the People's Government of Jiangsu Province and the International Renewable Energy Agency opened in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. According to reports, China has built the world's largest power supply system and clean power generation system Among them, hydropower, wind power, photovoltaic, biomass power generation and nuclear power under construction have ranked first in the world for many years.

By the first half of this year, the total cumulative installed power generation capacity had reached 2.71 billion kilowatts, Among them, the installed capacity of renewable energy reached 1.322 billion kilowatts, historically surpassing that of coal power, with an increase of about three times in 10 years.

(Related data drawing)

——Supply side: cumulative installed capacity of new energy power generation and new energy power generation increase year by year

The installed capacity of new energy power generation in 2017-2021 is on the rise year by year. In 2021, the installed capacity of new energy power generation in China will reach 1.12 billion kilowatts, accounting for 47.10% of the total installed capacity of power generation. Among them, the installed capacity of hydropower is 391 million kilowatts (including 36 million kilowatts of pumped storage), wind power is 328 million kilowatts, photovoltaic power is 306 million kilowatts, and biomass power is 38 million kilowatts.

The new energy power generation increased steadily from 2017 to 2021. In 2021, the national new energy power generation will reach 2.89 trillion kilowatt hours, an increase of 11.63% over 2020, including 1340.1 billion kilowatt hours of hydropower, a year-on-year decrease of 1.1%; 652.6 billion kWh of wind power, up 40.5% year on year; Photovoltaic power generation was 325.9 billion kWh, up 25.1% year on year; Biomass power generation reached 163.7 billion kWh, up 23.6% year on year.

——Demand side: consumption analysis of China's new energy industry

According to the data in the BP World Energy Statistical Yearbook (2021), China's new energy consumption will increase year by year from 2016 to 2020, from 16.2 in Aijiao in 2016 to 23.18 in 2020, with a compound annual growth rate of 9.37%. Looking forward, according to the preliminary calculation of the development trend of China's new energy industry, the consumption of China's new energy industry in 2021 is about 25.14 Aijiao.

Ren Dongming, deputy director of the Renewable Energy Development Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, believes that the development of renewable energy in the future should comply with the new requirements of low-carbon, diversified, safe and intelligent proposed by the new energy system, seize the new opportunities brought by the construction of the new energy system, improve the position, clarify the goals Promote technological innovation, introduce new mechanisms, and promote the diversified and integrated development of new energy.

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