Super fast charging covers 100 cities! It is estimated that in 2027, Xiaopeng will build 5000 ultra fast charging stations [with the supply and demand of charging pile market] _financial online
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Super fast charging covers 100 cities! It is estimated that 5000 ultra fast charging stations will be built by Xiaopeng in 2027 [with the supply and demand of charging pile market]

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Recently, Gao Xiang, general manager of Guangzhou Xiaopeng Smart Charging Technology Co., Ltd., said at the 2023 China International Charging and Exchange Operators Conference, Xiaopeng will build 3000 ultra fast charging stations by the end of 2025 and 5000 ultra fast charging stations by the end of 2027.

Gao Xiang, By August 2023, Xiaopeng's ultra fast charging network coverage has exceeded 100 cities The full coverage of the first tier and new first tier cities has been completed. There are more than 230 Xiaopeng S4 stations with super fast charging capacity in China, and the 3KM service range of S4 super fast charging network has covered nearly 100000 car owners.

With the rapid development of electric vehicles, the demand for charging piles is growing. The popularity of electric vehicles has brought an urgent demand for charging infrastructure to meet the daily charging and long-distance travel needs of users. The government and private enterprises have invested in the construction of charging pile network to promote the popularization and sustainable development of electric vehicles. At the same time, the progress of fast charging technology has also accelerated the construction and upgrading of charging piles. The growth of demand for charging piles has provided great business opportunities for charging equipment manufacturers and service providers, and laid a solid foundation for the further development of the electric vehicle industry.

——The construction scale of China's electric vehicle charging pile is growing

According to the data released by the China Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Promotion Alliance, from 2015 to 2021, the construction scale of electric vehicle charging piles in China continued to expand. By the end of December 2021, the cumulative number of charging infrastructure nationwide will be 2.617 million. Among them, the number of public charging posts is 1.147 million, an increase of 340000 over 2020; The number of private charging posts built along with the vehicle has soared, with a cumulative ownership of 1.47 million, up 68.19% year on year.

From the perspective of the construction scale of public charging piles, since 2015, the number of public charging piles for electric vehicles in China has maintained a steady and rapid growth trend. By the end of 2020, a total of 807200 public charging posts had been reported, an increase of 56.31% over the same period in 2019. By the end of 2021, a total of 1.147 million public charging posts had been reported, with a year-on-year increase of 42.10%.

——Incremental expansion of demand gap of charging piles for new energy vehicles in China

The construction goal mentioned in the Guide to the Development of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure issued in 2015 is to build 4.8 million charging piles by 2020 to meet the charging needs of 5 million new energy vehicles, including 500000 public charging piles and 4.3 million private charging piles, with a ratio of 1:1.

However, the current charging network construction is far behind the planning. By the end of 2021, China has 7.84 million new energy vehicles, 2.617 million charging poles, with a ratio of 3:1. Based on the total number of new energy vehicles in China and the cumulative number of charging piles, the ratio of vehicles to piles in China will decline from 8.8:1 to 3:1 from 2015 to 2021. In the past five years, the vehicle pile ratio of China's new energy vehicles fluctuated around 3:1, and the charging supporting facilities were improved, but there was still a big gap compared with the 1:1 vehicle pile ratio planned in the Development Guide. It can be seen that in order to achieve the national new energy vehicle planning goal, the charging infrastructure construction will become the focus of future development, and the future electric vehicle charging industry has huge growth space.

Everbright Securities believes that, 2023 will become the first year of domestic fast charging models. Achieving high pressure fast charging is a relatively complex system project, requiring coordinated upgrading of vehicle pile network end , which will bring technology upgrading and investment opportunities for vehicles, batteries, charging piles, power electronics, power grids and other large-scale industrial chains.

In order to realize the high voltage platform of the whole vehicle, the battery pack, motor and charging interface must reach 800V, and OBC, air conditioning compressor, DC/DC and PTC must be re adapted to meet the 800V high voltage platform. In addition, after the voltage level of the electric drive system is raised to 800V, improving the withstand voltage of the power devices in the inverter will also promote the technical upgrading of SiC.

Prospective Economist APP Information Group

For more research and analysis of this industry, see the Analysis Report on Market Foresight and Investment Strategic Planning of China Electric Vehicle Charging Pile Industry issued by the Prospective Industry Research Institute.

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