The output value soared to 700 billion! China's nuclear technology application ushers in a major breakthrough [Analysis of nuclear technology application industry] _Financial Online
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The output value soared to 700 billion! China's nuclear technology application ushers in a major breakthrough [Analysis of nuclear technology application industry]

Source: Photographic Network

Except for the well-known Nuclear weapons and nuclear power The nuclear industry is also widely used in light industry, namely Application of non power nuclear technology

On September 7, High quality development conference of nuclear technology application industry will be held in Hengyang, Hunan According to the CCTV reporter, with the rapid development of domestic nuclear technology application industry, nuclear technology is widely used in safety testing, irradiation breeding, radioactive drug production and other fields, serving the economic and social development and people's life, The output value of China's nuclear technology applications has reached nearly 700 billion yuan

(Data pictures are for reference only)

The application fields of nuclear technology in China are expanding and widely used Industry, agriculture, medicine, environmental protection And other fields. From the distribution of application fields, Nuclear technology is mainly used in industry, accounting for more than 50% The second is agriculture.

With the acceleration of industrialization and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, The application of civil nuclear technology in China is not only more and more extensive, but also closer to people's lives. It is widely used in public safety, public health, environmental protection and other fields, and has achieved good social and economic benefits. However, compared with developed countries, the output value of China's nuclear technology application industry accounts for about 4 ‰ of the national economy, which is still very low compared with developed countries.

The Keynote Report on the Development of China's Civil Nuclear Technology Industry shows that China's civil nuclear technology is developing rapidly, with an annual output value of more than 300 billion yuan. In the future, the country will regard it as a strategic emerging industry, and the Institute of Prospective Industries predicts that it will be in the next ten years, The growth rate of nuclear technology industry should be maintained at about 20% It is expected to exceed trillion yuan by 2030, with great potential.

Wang Suohui, executive vice president of China Isotope and Radiation Industry Association, said that the future development prospect of nuclear technology application industry is bright. In the field of safety and environmental protection, the application of radiation detection technology in nuclear technology is of great significance. It can protect the country's key facilities, important safety places and major group activities. In addition, in the field of nuclear environmental protection, China has begun to use nuclear technology to disinfect and decontaminate the solid waste and liquid waste generated by medical and industry, and has achieved good results. Based on this situation, Wang Suohui believes that there is still a huge space for development in this field in the future.

Prospective Economist APP Information Group

For more research and analysis of this industry, see the Analysis Report on Market Prospect Forecast and Investment Strategic Planning of China's Nuclear Technology Application Industry issued by the Prospective Industry Research Institute

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