"Magic" comes into reality! Wearable device realizes "navigation with a little wrist" [wearable device market analysis attached] _Financial Online
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"Magic" comes into reality! Wearable device realizes "navigation with a little wrist" [wearable device market analysis attached]

Source: Photographic Network

On August 29, scientists from Rice University published a new research achievement in Device magazine. Scientists have developed a fabric based wearable device, Use pressurized air to "tap" users' wrists to help them navigate to their destination silently This research shows that users can correctly understand the direction of the device in a short time. The device can be seamlessly integrated into clothing or other wearable devices.

Traditional visual and auditory cues may lead to information overload, while tactile cues can provide another option. Researchers from Rice University have developed a lightweight and comfortable wearable device, and tested its effect by measuring the function of the force applied on the user and the shape of the device.

(Data pictures are for reference only)

In the experiment, participants successfully used the device to navigate the streets, with an accuracy of 100%. In another test, participants could also accurately understand the navigation prompts when riding an electric scooter.

This research provides a new idea for developing more intelligent and portable wearable devices, and is expected to accelerate its penetration into people's daily life.

Industry development status

Supply: supply continues to increase, and five major manufacturers dominate the market

2017-2021 The shipment of wearable devices in China is increasing. According to IDC's Quarterly Tracking Report on China's Wearable Device Market, the fourth quarter of 2021, the shipment volume of China's wearable device market in the fourth quarter of 2021 was 37.53 million units, with a year-on-year growth of 23.9%. In 2021, China's wearable market will ship nearly 140 million sets, with a year-on-year growth of 25.4%. In 2022, the shipment volume of China's wearable market will exceed 160 million units, with a year-on-year growth of 18.5%.

Demand: demand market is subdivided and specialized

There are many types of wearable devices. According to IDC data, the main types of wearable device consumption in China are smart headphones, smart bracelets and smart watches, which include children's smart watches and adult smart watches Among the major wearable consumer products in China, The largest number of smart headphones, 78.98 million units will be shipped in 2021, and it is expected to reach nearly 100 million units in 2022. IDC data shows that from 2019 to 2022, the demand for smart headphones, children's smart watches and adult smart watches in China will continue to increase.

Forecast of industrial development trend

In recent years, against the background of market demand and technical support, Global wearable device shipments are growing It is predicted that wearable devices will still renovate consumer technology products at the fastest speed, and the market currently generally expects that wearable devices will grow faster than mobile phones and tablets The future of wearable device market is still broad According to CCS Insights, the overall shipments of wearable devices (smart watches, smart bracelets) around the world will continue to grow steadily, reaching 388 million by 2025.

On the whole, there are many kinds of wearable devices, and the demand is more and more subdivided. At present, with the growth of the shipment of wearable devices in China, the wearable device market in China will further increase, including the rapid growth of smart headphones and smart watches.

Southwest Securities In the latest research report, it was said that although the demand in the consumer electronics market was weak, the demand for wearable devices was outstanding. Stimulated by the initial sales of new products, the shipment of TWS headphones and smart watches realized a counter trend growth in Q3, with year-on-year growth of 6% and 30% respectively.

Huaxin Securities It is believed that wireless earphones have shown a recovery trend since this year. Compared with mobile phone consumption, there is still room for the popularization of wireless earphones. With the increase of wireless earphone sensors, the product experience will be better. The amount of added value is smaller than that of mobile phones, and the replacement cycle will be significantly faster than that of mobile phones. In addition, the intelligence of edge devices is still upgrading, and the industry is gradually improving with AI enabling. Huaxin Securities said that it will continue to be optimistic about the growth of wearable devices such as wireless headphones and IoT edge devices.

Prospective Economist APP Information Group

For more research and analysis of this industry, please refer to the Analysis Report on Market Foresight and Investment Strategic Planning of China's Wearable Equipment Industry issued by the Prospective Industry Research Institute

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