Colorectal cancer: I'm afraid you eat these foods_ Finance Online
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Colorectal cancer: I'm afraid you eat these foods!

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Colorectal cancer is the third most common malignant tumor and the fourth most important cause of cancer death in the world. Although the screening and treatment of colorectal cancer have improved, new prevention strategies to reduce the risk are still urgent. There is growing evidence that diet is an important factor in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.

A new study of 79952 men in the United States found that red meat and processed meat increased the risk of colorectal cancer, while a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and nuts reduced the risk of colorectal cancer by 22%. The research results show that generally reducing the consumption of animal food, refined grains and sugar can bring lifelong benefits.

Interestingly, the researchers did not find a link between plant diet and colorectal cancer in 93475 women in the United States. Jihye Kim, a nutrition and nutrition researcher at Kyeong Hee University in South Korea, explained, "Men tend to have a higher risk of colorectal cancer than women. We think this may be because women eat more healthy plant foods."

However, the current research does not distinguish between different types of animal foods. For example, in fact, fish and dairy products may be good for people's health. More importantly, participants in the long-term study used questionnaires to assess their diet, which did not include lifetime food intake. In the future, more research is needed to explore the different genetic and environmental factors that may affect the incidence of colorectal cancer, and what role diet may play.

The research topic of this paper is "Plant based dietary patterns defined by a priority indicators and cognitive cancer risk by sex and race/ethics: the Multiethnic Cohort Study", which was published on BMC Medicine on November 29. The main author is Jihye Kim, a nutrition and nutrition researcher at Kyung Hee University in Korea.

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label: colorectal cancer Plant food

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