The overweight and obesity rate of children in China is as high as 20%. Has your baby been recruited_ Finance Online
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The overweight and obesity rate of children in China is as high as 20%. Has your baby been recruited?

There is a kind of hunger that makes parents think you are hungry. Parents always think that children in adolescence is the stage of physical growth, and eating more is not a problem. But now the parents should pay attention. According to a report, the overweight and obesity rate of school-age children in China is nearly 20%.

According to the data of the Report on Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status of Chinese Residents 2020, the overweight and obesity rate of children and adolescents under 6 years old and 6 to 17 years old respectively reached 10.4% and 19.0%, and the overweight and obesity rate of residents aged 18 years and above were 34.3% and 16.4%, respectively

Overweight and obesity is not only a disease in itself, but also the trigger of other diseases, such as asthma, sleep disorders, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Many parents have a misconception about children's diet, that is, it doesn't matter to eat more in adolescence. Naturally, when they grow up, they will lose weight and return to normal shape with more exercise. In fact, most fat children will continue to be fat after adulthood.

According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, a medical journal, researchers from the University of Copenhagen once studied 565 Danish men. They found that if overweight boys could lose weight successfully at the age of 13, the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease at the age of 30-60 would be the same as that of normal people; If you wait until you are 17 years old to lose weight, the risk of obesity will rise by 47%, but it is also far lower than that of being fat all the time. Therefore, it is particularly important to intervene in children's obesity as early as possible.

So how to lose weight?

Experts suggest that parents should control children to drink less or no sugary drinks to reduce sugar intake. So sugar free beverage will be a better substitute.

According to the analysis report of the Prospective Industry Research Institute, China's sugar free beverage market will continue to expand in the context of increasing health awareness. According to the prediction of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the market size of sugar free beverages in China will maintain a rapid growth rate. It is expected that by 2027, the market size will reach nearly 27.7 billion yuan.


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