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[Fresh fruit juice] Fresh fruit juice is invited to join us

  • Industry Restaurant > drink
  • Total number of stores zero home
  • Investment amount 50000~100000 yuan
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Shenzhen
  • Date of establishment 2006-01-01
  • management model Distribution agent
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship Existing companies add graduates to entrepreneurship
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Introduction to freshly squeezed fruit juice

 Franchise of freshly squeezed fruit juice

Advantages of freshly squeezed juice

 Franchise of freshly squeezed fruit juice

As we all know, fruits contain a lot of dietary fiber needed for human growth, so eating fruits regularly can achieve the function of health preservation. But some children don't like fruit very much, and the freshly squeezed juice is welcomed by many children. Fresh fruit juice is a kind of fruit juice made from some fresh fruits. It tastes sour and sweet, and has sufficient nutrition. It has many benefits for adults and children. The product sales market is growing day by day, which has attracted the attention of some entrepreneurs with ideas. Because the freshly squeezed fruit juice is easy to start a business.

For each product, freshly squeezed juice is required to be produced on site, except for ensure The freshness of the product can maintain its nutritional value. At the same time, the collocation of different series of fruits, not only for taste, nutritional value, but also for face value, provides consumption for different choices. Compared with other drinks, freshly squeezed products are healthier, so many consumers also like them. The industry has a wide market space for development.

Advocating the concept of healthy diet has attracted everyone's attention. Now, a lot of freshly squeezed juice has been created all over the country. With the popularity of development, as well as entrepreneurial opportunities, it has helped many people to successfully obtain good entrepreneurial gains. Basically, to join in and open such a store, we do not need to worry about the lack of customers in operation, monitor the quality of products, easily drive the development of the market, and successfully embark on the road of entrepreneurship. In order to achieve long-term development, regular new product research and development is also an important process, which deserves everyone's attention.

When choosing brands to join in freshly squeezed fruit juice, in general, influential brands can better attract customers and expand the market. At the same time, stores with strong support can save a lot of energy in the process of operation. They will be given corresponding guidance in terms of product production technology, store marketing, and management. It can be said that even without any experience, they can complete entrepreneurship and opening stores.

Now squeezed fruit juice joins in and opens a store, so you can easily embark on the road of entrepreneurship. When you encounter such an opportunity, you must take it seriously, which is related to whether you can realize your dream of becoming rich. More and more people are willing to use freshly squeezed fruit juice instead of drinking water. In addition to being able to supplement multi vitamins, its taste is also very delicious, so the sales market of the product should not be worried. In combination with the development of the market, it is necessary to formulate a suitable franchise brand and make good management, so that the entrepreneurial road can be easily and smoothly developed.

Franchise conditions of freshly squeezed fruit juice

Franchise conditions of freshly squeezed fruit juice:
1. I and my family are in good health and have full civil capacity.
2. Recognize the corporate culture and business philosophy of freshly squeezed juice, and understand the product and operation mode.
3. It has certain financial strength and qualified capital credit, and can meet the start-up capital requirements of the franchise store.
4. Own business premises, and the business area meets the requirements of the headquarters.
5. Strictly follow the management system enforced by the headquarters.
6. Franchisees must have the ability to expand and manage subordinate franchise stores.
7. Have a strong desire, self-confidence and ambition to expand their own business.

Franchise process of freshly squeezed fruit juice

Franchise process of freshly squeezed juice:
1. Consulting franchise policy
The two sides exchanged views on the application for the joining policy of the consulting company.
2. Field visit
Franchisees go to the headquarters to visit the stores and learn about them, and have business exchanges with the person in charge of the headquarters.
3. Apply for joining
Entrepreneur shall determine whether to join according to the local market situation and the brand of freshly squeezed fruit juice, and apply to the headquarters of freshly squeezed fruit juice for joining.
4. Sign the contract
Sign the franchise contract, pay all fees, issue the authorization certificate and relevant store opening vouchers.
5. Store site selection
Under the guidance and cooperation of the regional business manager, select the store and warehouse address and formulate the market operation strategy.
6. Design and decoration
The decoration engineering department of the headquarters will uniformly design the floor plan and renderings of the store, and the franchisee will decorate it.
7. Headquarters training
The headquarters arranges technical training for entrepreneurs, and issues authorized bronze medals after passing the training.
8. Preparation for opening
Preparation of opening marketing plan and handling of relevant licenses.
9. Guide opening
During the opening period, the expatriates went to the store to support and guide the work, and the franchise store opened successfully.

Franchise information of freshly squeezed juice

  • Brand name: Fresh juice
  • Suitable for: Free entrepreneurship Existing companies add graduates to entrepreneurship
  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan
  • Regional authorization: Shenzhen
  • Brand establishment time: 2006-01-01
  • Development mode: Regional agent Free agent
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Up to 50000.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to freshly squeezed juice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 14:08:46 From Lincang City, Yunnan Province  60.161.173*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; WeChat is the same number.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to freshly squeezed juice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 22:29:12 From Ulanhot, Xing'an League, Inner Mongolia  58.18.8*
  • Let me check the information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to freshly squeezed juice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 18:08:10 From Hebei  39.74.4*
  • WeChat same account, consultation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to freshly squeezed juice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 09:44:04 From Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  61.144.96*
  • Open a store in Hangzhou

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to freshly squeezed juice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 02:18:34 From Guangzhou, Guangdong  61.242.61*
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