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[Bamboo Wine] Bamboo Wine is invited to join us

  • Industry Wine > other
  • Total number of stores zero home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Beijing
  • Date of establishment 2006-01-01
  • management model Franchise of distribution agent
  • Suitable for people Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop
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Introduction to Joining Bamboo Wine

 Zhutong Liquor

Advantages of Joining Bamboo Wine

 Zhutong Liquor

In recent years, many people are learning how to make bamboo wine, and have improved their skills and related knowledge. There are also many stores on the market, which can really present authentic bamboo wine. However, there will always be some people who go out of business due to improper operation or prepare to change products. In the face of such a development trend, there are several reasons for failure. In this regard, I will analyze it for you, which can provide some reference for future business people. So, how to avoid failure in operating bamboo wine?

First, choose the correct address. Bamboo Wine is aimed at men. You can choose the right address according to the consumer. Pay attention to the surrounding business environment, investigate all catering facilities and the business characteristics of competitors in the area, and understand the needs of each consumer. Select an appropriate area with convenient transportation. If the surrounding environment cannot be fully investigated and the address is blindly selected, the customer's needs cannot be met after opening, which can also lead to challenges from competitors, so customers cannot be attracted.

Second, it has its own characteristics. A successful bamboo wine operator must have an enterprise philosophy suitable for his own development. In the process of operation, we should integrate the surrounding environment and our own specific conditions, correctly position ourselves, and select the products and services required by customers. We can take the essence of some successful experiences, but we should not copy them. Absorb some experience that is conducive to your own development, use it flexibly, and consider the overall scale and group needs, so that you can gradually drive the development of your own stores.

Third, complete rules and regulations. At present, many operators are using normal management methods, but in the process of development, many employees are unable to comply with the rules and regulations. Therefore, as a management level, it is necessary to have a reasonable rule to restrain employees, which can be constantly improved in the process of operation, and can strengthen management in the process of supervision. Employees should not be allowed to act at will.

Fourth, the product price positioning is reasonable. When products are purchased in the store, the emphasis is on price and quality, and only reasonable pricing and high-quality products can attract customers to visit again. Therefore, the manager must reasonably position the price of the product and supervise the quality. Failure can be avoided by providing sincere services to customers, which can be recognized by more people.

How to avoid failure in operating bamboo wine? For most people, in fact, the initial preparations are particularly important. In fact, many successful people have recommended some precautions for the initial stage of store opening. If every link can be fully prepared. And lovely to avoid the cause of failure, then success is really not difficult.

Conditions for joining Zhutong Liquor

1. Have a sincere and long-term cooperation attitude, and have certain channel influence in the region;
2. Be familiar with the local market, have rich product resources, and have rich channel resources in the region;
3. A systematic marketing team is responsible for channel expansion and channel laying;
4. Be able to fully tap their own and channel resources for full publicity and promotion;
5. Be able to strictly implement all policies formulated by us.

Joining process of bamboo wine

1. Consultation: consult the Zhutong Liquor Headquarters to understand the franchise matters and obtain relevant information.
2. Investigation: field investigation at the headquarters, business communication and exchange with headquarters personnel.
3. Review: The headquarters reviews the qualifications of the intended franchisees to confirm their cooperation qualifications.
4. Signing: Both parties confirmed that there was no dispute about the investigation results and signed an official bamboo tube liquor franchise contract.
5. Payment: the intended franchisee shall pay relevant fees to the headquarters according to the specific type selected.
6. Decoration: The headquarters provides new store location guidance, overall design and decoration construction for franchisees.
7. Training: The headquarters conducts comprehensive training and in store internship for franchisees and issues authorization certificates.
8. Opening: The headquarters sends direct store managers to host the opening, retraining all employees and the first phase of operation.

Joining information of Zhutong Liquor

  • Brand name: Bamboo wine
  • Suitable for: Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop
  • Investment amount: 100000~200000
  • Regional authorization: Beijing
  • Brand establishment time: 2006-01-01
  • Development mode: Agency in the distribution area Free agency
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Franchise fee: element
bond: element
management expense: element

User consultation

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    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to bamboo wine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 13:42:55 From Taizhou, Zhejiang [Mobile]  39.182.215*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; One hundred and thirty and forty square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to bamboo wine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 04:25:10 From Xinjiang Urumqi New Urban Area  49.118.238*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The investment is 230000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to bamboo wine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 19:03:57 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.11*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Less than 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to bamboo wine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 22:34:20 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.64*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 400000 to 700000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to bamboo wine! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 15:23:51 From Heilongjiang Province  42.103.131*
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