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[SMS Platform] SMS Platform

  • Industry Digital > mobile phone
  • Total number of stores one hundred home
  • Investment amount 10000~50000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand
  • Date of establishment 2014-11-13
  • management model Agency franchise cooperation
  • Suitable for people On the job investment online store form, existing company added items
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Introduction to SMS platform joining

The traditional mass SMS sending platform is based on the connection between the SMS port directly provided by China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom and the Internet to achieve mass SMS sending and user-defined SMS sending with the customer's designated number. The SMS platform is mainly divided into two types: one is to download and install the local software version, and the other is the webpage version of the SMS platform for browser login. According to the introduction of "SMS Marketing Research Center", from the function realization of the two SMS platforms, they are basically the same. Both clients send group requests directly to the operator server.

From the perspective of the special requirements of the SMS platform, the SMS platform can be a general SMS platform and a customized SMS platform. Some industries and departments will require SMS companies to customize and develop SMS platforms to meet their specific requirements according to their formal requirements due to the long-term use of SMS.
Generally, users who need customized short message platforms send large amount of short messages with stable cycle, which are mostly used for large enterprises and businesses. With the development and improvement of the store management mechanism, individual store owners also began to manage members and seek ways to carry out SMS marketing. Store management software developed specifically for small stores such as business came into being. The software has a built-in SMS platform, which solves the problem that small store owners cannot establish information transmission with members.
The purpose of mass SMS is to help enterprises develop, save money and improve profits. Mass sending of short messages has created unlimited business opportunities for enterprises to establish brand image or occupy the market, and can also significantly reduce advertising spending for enterprises. However, many of them have become spam short messages, which are prohibited. 315 is under investigation.

Advantages of SMS platform joining

As the "fifth media", SMS has been widely recognized and has a large audience. For businesses, SMS advertising media has the following irreplaceable information dissemination advantages:;
(1) Fast response: the spread of SMS advertising is not limited by time and region, and it is the same in any province or city in the country; Sending millions of mobile phone users can receive advertising information immediately after sending. The content of the advertisement can be changed at any time, and the new information can be improved/added to spread to consumers in a short time.
(2) Focus and high goal realization: SMS advertising directly affects a group with consumption power, and the same product can easily transmit different advertising information according to different recipients, so as to provide customers with a great deal of purchasing desire.
(3) Few franchises: SMS advertising breaks the industry rules of traditional advertising media pricing. Advertisers set their own spending budgets and send targeted messages to target customers. The cost of short message advertising is very low. Compared with the advertising cost of traditional media, which is often more than 100000 or even millions, the cost of short message advertising is almost negligible. The short message platform is cheaper to submit short message ads than sending short messages directly from mobile phones, which greatly reduces the advertising cost of advertisers. This is destined to make SMS marketing particularly suitable for individual stores, and it is their right arm to carry out store activities.
(4) Accuracy: SMS ads are characterized by direct access to the recipient's mobile phone, "one-on-one" transmission of information, mandatory reading, strong timeliness and reading rate! In the limited time of contact between media and people, it can increase the frequency of contact between people and advertisements.
(5) Extensibility: SMS advertising has a strong dissemination, fast speed, instant delivery in one minute, instant spread of ten thousand people! The recipient can keep the information with him, consult the advertiser at any time, read it repeatedly when necessary, and send it to interested friends at any time.
(6) Flexibility: The release time of SMS ads is flexible. Advertisers can choose the release time of ads flexibly according to the product characteristics, or even release them within a specific time period.
(7) Interactivity: SMS advertising can enable the owner to interact with the sales terminal and with the mass media, which enables SMS users to participate in business interaction. SMS advertising greatly increases the opportunities for people to participate in interaction.
(8) Strong instant sensational effect: it has an instant sensational effect unmatched by any other advertising media!
(9) New form: SMS is a new creative direct delivery advertising form based on modern mobile communication. Compared with telephone marketing, SMS is a non voice communication mode with fashionable content.

SMS platform joining information

  • Brand name: SMS platform
  • Suitable for: On the job investment online store form, existing company added items
  • Investment amount: 10000~50000
  • Regional authorization: no
  • Brand establishment time: 2014-11-13
  • Development mode: Regional agent free agent single store franchise
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User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; 60000 to 70000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the SMS platform! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 03:26:02 From China  39.190.11*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; A small supermarket with an area of 50 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the SMS platform! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 11:51:58 From Shenyang, Liaoning Province  59.44.28*
  • I am very interested in this project, please contact me!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the SMS platform! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 02:44:06 From Heilongjiang Province  42.100.232*
  • Franchise fee?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the SMS platform! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 23:40:49 From Langfang City, Hebei Province  60.10.17*
  • It is not convenient to answer the phone, and WeChat contact is added.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the SMS platform! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 09:21:11 From Xingtai City, Hebei Province  60.6.231*
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