Privacy & Cookies

Date Published:10.02.2022


This page displays the cookies in use on this website.

About Cookies: A website cookie is a piece of text that a web server can store on a user's system for later retrieval. For example, a web site might generate a unique ID number for each visitor and store the ID number on each user's machine using a cookie file.

Your web browser will have options to show you all the cookies stored and will allow you to delete some/all of them as you wish.
Cookies may be

  • fundamentally necessary for the delivery of the web service you are using, e.g. enable tracking of items in an online shopping basket or to enable session tracking for a service that you log in to,
  • may be necessary to benefit from the full functionality of the service, but not essential for some level of service
  • may be for the benefit of the service provider or to allow the service provider to better understand its users and hence provide a better service, e.g. analytical tools so a site can produce statistics on the types of users it has or the sections of its site that are most popular 
  • but could equally be for a wide range of other purposes.

Google Analytics
__utma; __utmb; __utmc; __utmz  
Used site-wide to help us tracking visitor usage. This is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics sets a cookie in order to evaluate use of those services and compile a report for us.

Embedded video in our site is provided by YouTube and Vimeo. Please note opting out of cookies will prevent you from watching YouTube videos on this site.

Privacy Policy

Please note that although this website provides links to other websites, this policy only applies to the webpages hosted under Wadham College domain (i.e. pages with URLs containing

Personal Information
On some parts of this site, you may be asked to provide some limited personal information in order to enable the provision of certain services e.g. newsletter subscription, enquiries, etc. Wadham College may store this information manually or electronically. By supplying this information you are consenting to Wadham College holding and using it for the purposes for which it was provided. Information provided will be kept only for as long as is necessary to fulfil that purpose. Personal information will not be sold to third parties, or provided to direct marketing companies. Personal information collected and/or processed by Wadham College is held in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998.

If we decide to change our privacy policy we will post those changes to this privacy statement. We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time, so please review it frequently.