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Alumni News

St Hugh’s alumnae jubilee lunch on Sunday 22 September 2024

We were delighted to welcome back St Hugh's alumnae who matriculated in or before 1954, 1964 and 1974.  Guests enjoyed re-connecting with old friends they had not seen for a long time as well as those they have remained in contact with since graduating.We were pleased to host four alumnae from the class of 1954 and earlier, 19 alumnae from the class of 1964 and 31 alumnae from the class of 1974.Despite the heavy rain, everyone’s spirits remained high.  While we had to cancel the gard...
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Applications open for St Hugh’s Principal
St Hugh's Governing Body is now accepting applications for the next Principal. It is seeking an inspirational figure who will lead the academic missio...
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Feminism Confronts AI: The Gender Relations of Digitalisation
We are delighted to be able to welcome Professor Judy Wajcman to St Hugh's on Tuesday 15 October 2024 when she will deliver the annual lecture on AI e...
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St Hugh’s Tutorial Fellow receives prestigious Jeffrey L. Elman Prize
St Hugh's Tutorial Fellow in Experimental Psychology, Professor Asifa Majid,...
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St Hugh’s Fellow receives MPLS Teaching Award
Each year the Mathematical, Physical, and Life Sciences (MPLS) Division at the University celebrates the outstanding teaching efforts of its staff, an...
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Two St Hugh’s Fellows elected Fellows of the British Academy
Congratulations to two esteemed St Hugh's Fellows: Professor Adrian Moore...
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St Hugh’s Fellow uses new analytical approach for study into brain sizes
"Why did humans evolve big brains? St Hugh's Tutorial Fellow in Human Sciences, Prof...
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St Hugh’s joins the OxTrail2024 map
From Monday 15 July to Thursday 29 August St Hugh’s will be home to one of 138 oxen sculptures which are on display across Oxfordshire as part of
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St Hugh’s Principal awarded honorary doctorate
Congratulations to St Hugh's Principal and Scotland's first female Lord Advocate, Lady Elish Angiolini, who has been awarded an honorary doctorate by ...
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St Hugh’s Fellow, Professor Peter Mitchell, honoured with special conference session
The Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA) met at the National University of Lesotho in the last week of June, the first ...
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St Hugh’s Fellow appointed President of the South African Archaeological Society
Congratulations to St Hugh's Tutorial Fellow in Archaeology, Professor Peter Mitchell, who has been appointed as the new President of the South Africa...
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St Hugh’s Garden Party
On Saturday 22 June we welcomed over 600 alumni and friends from far and wide to the annual St Hugh's Garden Party held in the College's beautiful gar...
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St Hugh’s celebrates Women in Engineering Day 2024
This year's "Women in Engineering Day" is recognising the amazing work that women engineers around the world are doing to support lives and livelihood...
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New edition of book written by St Hugh’s alumna, Mary Renault, to be published
We are delighted to announce that a stunning new hardback edition of The Persian Boy written by novelist and alumna Mary Renault (English Lan...
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Test-of-time award for article co-authored by St Hugh’s Fellow
The 2006 article titled "Reachability Analysis of Controlled Discrete-Time Stochastic Hybrid Systems", which appeared in the Proceedings of the "Hybri...
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St Hugh’s Chapel Choir music recital
On Saturday 25 May the Chapel Choir went to St Andrew’s Church Linton Road to hold a lunchtime music recital, part of a wider day for Donors and Alu...
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Fragments of a giant of European Modernism
On 25 April our recently retired German tutor, Tom Kuhn, broadcast an edition of ‘In Our Time’, hosted by Melvyn Bragg and devoted to the life and...
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Second annual PalEvo-PalMeso lecture takes place at St Hugh’s
The 2nd Annual PalEvo-PalMeso Lecture, entitled "Geoanthropology - Long-term Human Interactions with the Earth System," took place on Wednesday 8 May ...
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St Hugh’s Honorary Fellow appointed as non-political life peer in the House of Lords
Congratulations to St Hugh's Honorary Fellow,
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St Hugh’s Tutorial Fellow in History is BBC Radio 4 panelist
On Sunday 2 June, St Hugh's Tutorial Fellow in History, Professor George Garnett, was a panelist on BBC Radio 4's "In our Time" hosted by Melvyn Bragg...
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Second edition of The Archaeology of Southern Africa by St Hugh’s Tutorial Fellow in Archaeology is published
Professor Peter Mitchell, Tutorial Fellow in Archaeology, has undertaken research on the archaeology of southern African hunter-gatherers for 40 years...
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St Hugh’s undergraduate student awarded fencing half blue
Congratulations to St Hugh's undergraduate student Will Osborne (Mathematics, 2021) who was awarded a half blue for competing in the recent Varsity ma...
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An Evening with Natalka Vorozhbyt – Visiting Fellow, St Hugh’s College
On Thursday 13 June, 5pm to 7pm, the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, with the Faculty of English and St Hugh's College, will co-host an even...
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St Hugh’s graduate student co-authors book about St Albans Abbey
St Hugh's graduate student, Meg Kirkpatrick (DPhil Archaeology) has co-authored a book entitled: St Albans Abbey: The Excavation of the Chapter Ho...
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Support St Hugh’s Boat Club in Summer Eights 2024
This week, St Hugh’s Boat Club have been racing the main annual ‘bumping races’ regatta on the River Isis in Christchurch Meadow. After a succes...
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Learn the art of Sattriya dance at St Hugh’s lecture-demonstration
St Hugh's graduate student, Oonmona Das (MPhil Global and Area Studies) will be holding a lecture-demonstration on Sattriya dance on Wednesday...
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Alumni Business Breakfast: “Think like a Brand”
We were delighted to welcome our alumni to a recent Business Breakfast at the Museum of Brands in London, where our two distinguished speakers: alumna...
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DPhil student of St Hugh’s Fellow awarded annual prize of Society for French Studies
Many congratulations to DPhil student Hannah Scheithauer (Queen's) who has been awarded the annual R. Gapper Postgraduate Essay Prize by the Society f...
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St Hugh’s Fellow elected a fellow of the Institute of Physics
Congratulations to St Hugh's Fellow by Resolution in Physics, Dr Jack Miller (Phy...
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The Colin Matthew Fund 2024 is open to applications
This fund offers travel awards for historical research to all undergraduate and graduate members of the University of Oxford.Professor Coli...
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Alumna and Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow, Professor Wendy James FBA, has died
We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of alumna Professor Wendy James (Geography, 1959). Before becoming a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellow at ...
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