Our vision is to become the most valued and trusted medicines company in the world. As part of this, we attach great importance to being transparent about our activities and performance. On this page, you can find our annual reporting documents and other disclosures, as well as many of our internal policies, codes, guidelines and commitments.

Annual reporting suite

Access and download our integrated report, annual regulatory filings, and other disclosures.

Shanelle Gabriel spending time with her father in New York

Novartis in Society Integrated Report 2023

This report covers our business, strategy and performance. It highlights progress against our ESG targets and describes how we create sustainable value for diverse stakeholders. It follows requirements of the Swiss Code of Obligations and various voluntary reporting frameworks and standards.

English (PDF 8.4 MB)German (PDF 7.2 MB)

K. Balamani with her daughter at home in Sollakpally, near Hyderabad, India

Annual Report 2023 and US Securities & Exchange Commission Form 20-F 2023

These reports provide a comprehensive overview of Novartis, including our company structure, corporate governance, operating and financial results, and compensation practices. They are filed with the SIX Swiss Exchange in Switzerland and the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US.

Novartis shareholders may receive a hard copy of either of these documents, each of which contains our complete audited financial statements, free of charge, upon request.

Annual Report 2023 (PDF 3.7 MB)|Form 20-F 2023 (PDF 3.5 MB)

Other reporting documents

Additional documents, including downloadable data from the Novartis in Society Integrated Report, our latest TCFD disclosure and additional regulatory disclosures.

Reporting archive

Access our annual reports and other disclosures from prior years.

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Policies and positions

As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, we publish our positions on various issues affecting our business. We are also transparent about our values and behaviors, our approach to managing ethical decisions, and the standards we expect of our suppliers. This section includes many of the policies, codes, guidelines and commitments that govern the company's activities.

ESG index

Novartis welcomes interest from investors and other stakeholders concerned ESG topics and we aim to report comprehensively and transparently on our objectives and progress. Our ESG index shows where disclosures on key topics can be found across our publications and website.

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