Huge congratulations on finishing your exams!! It’s a tremendous achievement to complete your last term at Oxford. You’ll soon be leaving Queen’s and the adventure of the outside world awaits.

Whether you will be travelling, studying, or starting your career, among the feelings of excitement and anticipation there may also be some sadness saying goodbye to friends, life in College, and the people here.

Luckily, you’ll always be a part of Queen’s as an “Old Member”, and there is the dedicated team in the Old Members’ Office to be your first point of contact from now on.

On these pages you can find lots of information about how to stay connected with Queen’s, and about our events and communications for Old Members. Enjoy the read, enjoy the ride, and keep in touch!

  • Find us in FQ 2/1 to say hello and good-bye
  • Email us
  • Ring +44 (0)1865 279217
  • Send us an old-fashioned postcard to The Queen’s College, Old Members’ Office, High Street, Oxford, OX1 4AW

We look forward to hearing from you!