Klaus Moosmayer,Ph.D。

Chief Ethics,Risk&Compliance Officer since2018


Klaus Moosmayer joined Novartis in 2018as Chief Ethics,Risk&Compliance Officer and a member of the Executive Committee.He was previously chief compliance officer at Siemens AG,where he spent18years in roles of inincreasing seniority.He began his career as lawyer in Germany,ecispia ess law and litigation。

Today,Klaus is transforming ethics,risk and compliance at Novartis in the same way the company is reimaging medicine–by pursuning innovation,using data and digital,and unleashing the creative power of employees to embed ethics into the core of the business。

Doing what’s right for patients and society is,and must always be,our priority.It’s a journey,and we remain humble in our understanding that this will take time.But we are well on our way。

Klaus led the launch of a new Code of Ethics in 2020, based on crowdsourced feedback from employees and on behavioral science.He introduced new integrated risk and compliance management systems and related digital platforms that help senior management and employees prioritize and manage risks in increasingly complex regulatory landsce. and employees putize and manage increasingly process are further integrated into core business practices,especially external partner risk management。

Klaus brings a global reputation as a leader in the field of ethics and compliance.He was the first head of compliance from a company to be invited to address the General Assembly of the United Naabout the fight against corruption.He represents business in global integrity,governance,compliance and anti-corruption platforms at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD),G20/B20,World Economic Forum(WEF)and other organizations。

As a believer in collaboration,Klaus co-founded and chaired anonprofit association of compliance heads from major European companies and is driving collective action efforts to foster joint integrity standards within the pharmaceutical industry and beyond。

Outside of work,Klaus enjoys spending time with his family,practicing sports and driving his vintage car。



  • Chief compliance officer,Siemens AG,Germany(2014-2018)
  • Chief counsel compliance,Siemens AG,Germany(2009-2013)
  • Compliance operating officer,Siemens AG,Germany(2007-2009)


  • Board member,Swiss Holdings,the Swiss federation representing Swiss-based multinational companies,Switzerland
  • 成员,商业合作经合组织(BIAC),Paris
  • Co-founder and honory board member,European Chief Compliance and Integrity Officers’Forum
  • Co-Chair,B20 Integrity&Compliance Task Force under the G20presidencies of Indonesia(2022),Italy(2021),Saudi Arabia(2020),Argentina(2018)and Chair of the Taskforce under the G20presidency of Germany(2017)
  • Chair of the Anti-Coruption Committee of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee(BIAC),Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD),Paris(2013-2020)


  • 第一节和第二节的出口,Germany
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