The NIEHS extramural division has made significant investments in environmental epidemiology studies that help scientists better understand how environmental exposures affect health during different stages of life.The webpages below provide detailed information to help the public learn moude out moudel ies NIEHS funds, and to maximize the substantial investment NIEHS has made in these studies by facilitating new collaborations and ancillary studies within the environmental health research community。

    • 维护和Enriching Environmental Epidemiology Cohorts
      To maximize its investments in environmental epidemiology studies,NIEHS launched afunding opportunity to help researchers maintain and enrich the infrastructure needed to investigate new research questions using these existing cohorts,collaborate with other scientists, and to make data accessible to the research community.NIEHS grantees are engaged in targeted activities to address these objectives and make data publicly available。
    • NIEHS-Funded Epidemiology资源Faces Search Tool
      NIEHS created the Epidemiology Resources Faced Search toolganize and share information about NIEHS-funded environmental epidemiology studies.Users can search on specific terms or browse information using filters。