
GTC cover art May2024


安装has been demonstrated that inArabidopsis thaliana,flowering petals turns on agene expression cascade there,resulting in the activation of autophagy and vacuolar development,which in turn causes petal shedding(Furuta)et al。(2024)Nat.Commun。15:1098DOI:10.1038/s41467-024-45371-3)。Perhaps in the future,we will be able to control the timing of the fall of the petals in other flowering plants,such as cherry blossoms,as we wish。
在白狗纳兹纳中,作为植物激素贾斯蒙酸在开花的花瓣的基部蓄积,由此基因表达级联导通,其结果引起自动模糊的活性化和液胞的发育由此显示花瓣散落et al。(2024)Nat.Commun。15:1098DOI:10.1038/s41467-024-45371-3)。将来,樱花等其他显花植物也可能能自由控制凋谢的时期。

GTC cover art April 2024


Son Goku(Sun Wukong),a god in monkey form,was brandishing a Nyoi-bo representing theTBXTgene.However,an AluY-marked dagger hit the Nyoi-bo and broke it off.Xiaet al。showed that the loss of tails in hominoids,including humans and apes,was due in part to changes in splicing patterns caused by the insertion of an AluY element into the ancestralTBXTgene(Xia)et al。(2024)自然,自然626:1042-1048,DOI:10.1038/s41586-024-07095-8)。Son Goku cannot hide the look of impatience on his face as his tail begins to disappear,having impaired the function of the Nyoi-bo,which is necessary to maintain his tail,the source of Son Goku's magical power。
孙悟空是猴子的神TBXT挥舞着模仿遗传基因的如意棒。但是,那个如意棒中了AluY印的匕首,折断了。他们认为,人类和类人猿等人类上科失去尾巴的原因之一是祖先的TBXT这表明AluY元素插入基因导致剪接模式发生了变化(Xiaet al。(2024)自然,自然626:1042-1048,DOI:10.1038/s41586-024-07095-8)。由于孙悟空维持尾巴所需的如意棒功能受损,作为其魔力源泉的尾巴开始消失的孙悟空,掩饰不住焦虑的表情。