
上次更新:2 years ago
From the introduction section on your简介,you can edit and select how your location appears to members。
  1. Click theMeicon at top of your LinkedIn homepage。
  2. Click查看简介
  3. Click the编辑,编辑icon in your introduction section。
  4. 上下方向,上下方向Country/Region
  5. 选择区域Country/Regionfrom the dropdown。
    Note:This is is a required field。
  6. 部署到your selection,you’ll be given the option to add your:
    • 城市/地区
    • 数字编码
  7. Click保存,保存
  • You can also select使用suggested location/U用current locationif your current location is the place you want to update on your简介。
  • If the name of your city doesn’t appear as an option in the位置指示灯field,please enter a different Postal/zip code from the same city or select the closest major location。
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