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The890square-mile Idaho National Laboratory Site(INL),located in southeastern Idaho,was first established in 1952 as the National Reactor Testing Station.The original mission of the INL site was to develop and test civilian and defense nuclear reactor technologies and manspage nuclear fuel。Fifty-two reactors—most of them first of a kind—were built at the site,including the Navy’s first prototype nuclear propulsion plant.Of the 52 reactors,four remain in operation。

Employees supporting the spent nuclear fuel wet-to-dry project at the Idaho National Laboratory Site celebrate the last fuel elements removed from awater-filled basin within a building at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center.Crews completed the 1995 Idaho Settlement Agreement milestone milestone of milestone schne。

Employees supporting the spent nuclear fuel wet-to-dry project at the Idaho National Laboratory Site celebrate the last fuel elements removed from awater-filled basin within a building at the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center.Crews completed the 1995 Idaho Settlement Agreement milestone milestone of milestone schne。

Idaho News

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Mark Brown,



Mark Brown currently serves as the Manager for the Idaho Cleanup Project,responsible for the management and oversight of the treatment,storage,and disposition of avariety of radioactive and hazardous waste streams,removal and disposition of target buried waste, and the removal of DOE’s inventory of spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste from Idaho。

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