对钢筋混凝土进行预成形,treat and prevent poverty-related infectious diseases in sub-Saharan Africa
Collaborative clinical research
to support140projects with clinical trials and clinical research activities conducted by European-African consortia。
(Amount by end of 2022)
Clinical research capacity
to support92 projects that strengthen the enabling environment for conducting clinical trials and clinical research activities in sub-Saharan Africa。
(Amount by end of 2022)
Fellowship programme
to support206fellowships that focus on the career development of individual researchers in various stages of their careers。
(Amount by end of 2022)
See an overview of the published EDCTP2calls for proposals。
Access our online projects database and guidance information to manage EDCTP2grants。
Seeour achievements in bringing together research from Europe and Africa and developing research capacity in sub-Saharan Africa。