
La diferencia de la Farmacia Universitaria:Calidad.Innovación。Experiencia.Desde1974。





In an industry that has evolved continuously over the last few decades,College Pharmacy has made itour mission to develop and provide high quality formulations and exceptional customer service to healthcare practitioners and their patients.It is our compounding process,attention to detail, and quality of the compounding components that continues to make our formulations exceptional.For over40years our pharmacists have worked collaboratively with professional organizations and healthcare practitioners to develop and compound high quality compounded formulations.The range of services thweat offer our curs our years of compounding experience。

  • 介质接口
  • Formas farmacéuticas exclusivas y especiales
  • Servicios de ensayos clínicos
  • Sterile Injectables&IV Therapy Protocols
  • Methylcobalamin(MB12)and the Myers’Cocktail
  • Fórmulas de reemplazo hormonal y tiroides biológicamente idénticas
  • Medicina ambiental y quelación
  • Gestión de laedady medicina estética
  • Servicios de compaginación del trastorno del espectro autista
  • Tratamiento del dolor y proloterapia
  • Apoyo nutricional
  • 公式标识符
  • Compuestos oftálmicos
  • Compuestos pediátricos
  • Formulaciones de podología
  • Compuestos veterinarios

College Pharmacy’s comprehensive compounding experience and state-of-the-art facility allows us to compound both traditional and advanced dosage forms.College Pharmacy’s compounding practices are both USP79579797and800 compliant.Our testing protocol includes:potency,sterility,endotoxin, and fungal testing.Our sterile formulations are compounded in a state-of-the-art clean room and compounding lab that was fully renovated and updated in the summer of 2014。

From injectable Methylcobalamin(MB12)and the Myers’Cocktail IV protocol,to BHRT pellet implants and Low Dose Naltrexone(LDN)capsules,our compounding standards ensure potency,stability,and sterility。

Servicios integrales de prescripción

Además de nuestros servicios de prescripción de compuestos,College Pharmacy también stock muchos medicamentos comerciales populares para permitiir a nuestros clientes la faciliday la conveniencia de los pedidos。No todos los medicamentos pueden ser compuestos,ymuchos pacientes requieren un enfoque terapéuticoque incorpore tanto medicamentos compuestos como comerciales。

Centro de suplementos nutricionales

College Pharmacy offers a unique one-stop shopping experience by providing pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements in addition to our comprehensive pharmacy services.College Pharmacy’sonline nutritional supplement center offers many hard-to-find,exclusive, or specialty supplements…as well as many pharmaceutical-grade professional supplement lines that are not readily available in many communities。Click here to visit College Pharmacy’s Online Nutritional Supplement Center。

Click on the links below to learn more about College Pharmacy’s areas of compounding expertise and specialty products。