GHS General Information(Labelling,SDS and NITE-Gmiccs)
Chemical Management

(Labelling,SDS and NITE-Gmiccs)

Japan ese⇔English

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Some information on the GHS classification in FY2010,FY2022has been updated.At the same time,the data on NITE Japan-GHS have been updated.For details,please refer to the list of errata。
GHS Classification Results(Excel,HTML)


To the NITE Japan-GBS 用于GHS Classification Methods To the NITE-Gmiccs
待准备GHS校准标签和SDS Purple Book 消费者产品
Risk Assessment using GHS Classification Results To the GHS Classificaiton Results by the Japan ese Government dummy
To the Contact Us/Links


全球Hamonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals,here in after GHS,is an internationally harmonized system to classify chemicals based on the types and degree of hazards and is a harmonized communication tool by labels or safety data sheets(SDS)。The first edition of the GHS was adopted in 2002and published in 2003by the United Nations。

In Japan,Inter-Ministerial Committee on GHS was launched in 2001.The following are the major activities in Japan:

In order to implement GHS-based labelling and SDS requirements,Japan ese Industrial Standards(JIS)was published and the Industrial Safety and Health Act(ISHA)and PRTR Law were amended。

The English translation of classification results and guidance are available from this website.In addition,NITE supports the implementation of GHS by providing GHS-related information collected and organized by NITE’s own responsibility。

Contact us

Chemical Information Infrastructure Division,
Chemical Management Center,技术和安全措施
Phone number:+81-3-3481-1999
Address:2-49-10 Nishihara,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo,151-0066,JapanMAP