
Article number:


CAS No.:




Molecular weight:

69,72 g/mol

Gallium has a light blue metal colour,a particularly low melting point, and a relatively high boiling temperature. Inthe solid state, Gallium is soft, but breaks under heavy loads. The specialthing about Gallium is the liquefaction, which can already be achieved withhand warmth. Liquid Gallium has a wetting ability, which is why a light greysmear film appears on the skin. The metal is non-toxic and is thereforesuitable as a non-volatile Mercury substitute, e. g. for fillings in thermometer.Light-emitting diodes are also produced with help of the semiconductor Galliumnitride. Gallium is furthermore used as an alloy additive in dentaltechnology-processing areas, in special crystal materials and as a liquid metalthermal paste.

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