Sequenced — Mission:CodeSEQ

Choosing the right RNA extraction method can set your RNA-Seq experiment up for success or failure. Whether you’re working with cultured cells, tissue, or other sample types, Bio-Rad offers a range of products for RNA extraction. Check outPureZOL RNA Isolation Reagentand otherRNA extraction methods.

Stay tuned to learn along with Terence as he tackles his next challenge.

Bio-Rad offers a wide range of products for RNA-Seq, includingSEQuoia Complete Kits. New to RNA-Seq library preparation? Check out ourGenomics Learning Centerfor helpful resources about next-generation sequencing and more.

Post-library depletion can help retain small RNAs and rare transcripts that might be lost with a pre-library depletion method. See how you can perform post-library depletion in just two hours with theSEQuoia RiboDepletion Kit.


  1. Mission:CodeSEQ
  2. Ready for Extraction
  3. One for All and All in One
  4. Depleted
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