Screening Libraries

Screening librariesof Axon Ligands™,™may contain all of our selected compounds in a certain research area,or can be fully customized by means of cherry picking.Libraries may consist of 10mM stock solutions in DMSO or as solid samples,and come to you,well-organized,on ready-to-use96-well plates。


Axon ID Name 说明,说明 自打印,自打印
5051 Axon Ligands™Cell signaling and Oncology compound library Axon Ligands™Cell signaling and Oncology compound library Inquire
5052 Axon Ligands™Epigenetic compound library Axon Ligands™Epigenetic compound library Inquire
5053 Axon Ligands™Stem cell compound library Axon Ligands™Stem cell compound library Inquire


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