Behind the scenes jobs


Theengineers are responsible for providing certification services,whether certifying systems,products,services or skills.They work in extremely varied areas of activity.In addition to their technical skills, they contribute to customer satisfaction and retention.They are also project managers and oversee various applications within an ecosystem。


The assistants are an essential link within the teams.They play a supporting role and an active part in the team’s cohesion.Working independently, they are actively involved in the sustainability of customer relationships within the framework of the commercial policy defined by the group.Assistants are involved at various levels and in all of our activities:business,sales administration,project management,management,support, etc.offering a multidisciplinary approach to their activities。

Afnor Auditor

This is the job associated with certification,one of the group’s four activities.The AFNOR auditor,whether a group employee or an outside agent,performs audits and assessments in accordance with the procedures and rules specific to each standard.They must hold an auditor’s certificate.At AFNOR Certification, auditors are directly involved in the development of new services or in improving the existing services.The AFNOR auditor also has the ability to provide feedback about opportunities.He or she therefore has a keen sense of communication.Interested?应用now!

Afnor developer

The developer drives forward business,marketing or technological development within each of the AFNOR Group’s four main entities:standardization,certification,publishing and training.The AFNOR developer’s talent lies in knowing how to organize his or activities within restages:lobces, toidentify key players and incorporate gic networks,the development plan in which he or she devises their strategy and promotes it among the market participants,and the response to customer expectations in which he or she offers assistance and can offer and provide follow-up。

Afnor trainer

Building on his or her position of classic trainer with the role of implementer for work on new training courses,the AFNOR trainer must have past experience in the field of standardization and certification.His or concept of education goes beyond simply developing a technique;it is more lia facet of his or peralison, he or she acts as an oversight body and trainer for the intercompany and intra-company placements.It is the trainer to whom the group,through its AFNOR Competences subsidiary,entrusts responsibility for promoting the quality and added value of the services sold by it。

Afnor documentalist

At AFNOR,adocumentalist has an ability to anticipate,loves organizing and has editorial talents.He or she provides technical support,both internally and for the group’s external customers.He or she provides information about the existence and content of French,European, international and foreign standards or rules.He or she is capable of finding parallels between the standards or rules depending on their origin.He or she is involved in the development and implementation of new information products and new documentary tools.The AFNOR documentalist masters hard copy documents and electronimedia the saprecision。