Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy

Last changed: December 20, 2017(PDF Version)

Thank you for using our Cloud Service! In order to best possibly provide you and others our services, we have defined a few rules below to which you agree when using the Cloud Service.

Neither you (“User”) nor persons who access the Cloud Service through you shall use the Cloud Service:

  1. in a way prohibited by law, regulation, governmental order or decree;
  2. to violate, or encourage the violation of, the rights of others;
  3. to spam or distribute malware or any items of a destructive or deceptive nature;
  4. to falsify any protocol or email header information (e.g. “spoofing”);
  5. to try to gain unauthorized access to or disrupt any part of the Cloud Service, data, account or network by any means;
  6. to execute load, stress, performance, penetration or vulnerability tests;
  7. in a way that could reasonably harm the software and Cloud Service or negatively impair anyone else’s use of them;
  8. for collecting, storing, using or processing any personal data unless you have received prior consent from the relevant person or will receive such consent in a timely fashion;
  9. for any high risk use where failure or fault of the software or service could lead to death or serious bodily injury of any person, or to severe financial, physical or environmental damage.

You acknowledge and agree that your use of the Cloud Service may be blocked, suspended or terminated, and legal proceedings initiated, for any violation of this Acceptable Use Policy.

This Acceptable Use Policy is subject to modification without notice.We will only revise the update date on this page and send email notifications to all subscribers of the mailing list provided, all such email notifications deemed received when sent.

You acknowledge and agree that it is ultimately your responsibility to review this Acceptable Use policy by when you use the Cloud Service in order to become aware of modifications.