Picturepark Blüemlisalphorn Release | Mar 2023

Features a guided search for complex queries, an advanced filter editor, and information about our migration to Azure, including AI text recognition and image recognition.

A new version of the Picturepark Content Platform is released.

Version:Picturepark Blüemlisalphorn (11.6) released on 4-Mar-2023.
Main changes:Guided Search, Filter Editor, and Azure Migration

Picturepark Blüemlisalphorn Release featuring Guided Search, Filter Editor and Azure Migration
Picturepark Blüemlisalphorn Release Features Guided Search, Filter Editor and Azure Migration

TheBlüemlisalphorn, at 3661 meters, is part of the Blüemlisalp of the Bernese Alps, in the territory of the municipalities of Kandersteg and Reichenbach. The name "Blüemlisalp" is associated with a legend about human arrogance having dire consequences. A wealthy alp owner became richer and hired a young, haughty maid. The owner built a walkway from cheese slices and filled the gaps with butter so her feet wouldn't get dirty. The owner's mother cursed the couple for their arrogance, and a massive ice storm buried the owner, his lover, and their herd.

Release Details

Please note that these are the final release notes.

Watch video

Release Video showing guided search via advanced filter editor, filters and collections in content picker 🚨

Guided Power Search.

Guided Power Search.

The new guided search supports power users in constructing advanced search queries for Content and List Items with Drag & Drop.

Details Guided Power Search.

Drag & Drop Filter Editor.

Drag & Drop Filter Editor.

The reworked filter editor is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for creating query filters, while still allowing you to write or adapt your syntax.

Details Drag & Drop Filter Editor.

Moving to Microsoft Azure.

Moving to Microsoft Azure.

We're excited to announce that Picturepark Content Platform is moving to Azure.

Details Azure Migration.

The content below is only available in English.
Further Changes.
🚨 Changes To API & SDKs.

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