Member Data Portability (Member)

LinkedIn is providing the Member Data Portability (Member) API product in response to certain requirements of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The DMA is a new EU competition law that regulates large online platforms to ensure fair competition, protect consumer rights, and foster innovation in the digital economy. Consistent with DMA obligations regarding end user data access and portability, the Member Data Portability (Member) product provides APIs that allow LinkedIn members to create an application to fetch that LinkedIn member's LinkedIn data.

Getting Started

Request Access

Querying LinkedIn data using the Member Data Portability APIs requires access to theMember Data Portability (Member)API product access to which can be requested from ourdeveloper portal.

  1. Create a Developer Application

    Create an app on theLinkedIn Developers Platform. A LinkedIn Company Page is required to create the app. Please use the default LinkedIn Company Page created especially for requesting access to the Member Data Portability (Member) APIs -Member Data Portability (Member) Default Company.


    Please do not create a new LinkedIn Company Page while creating the developer application. You will be able to request access to Member Data Portability (Member) API only if you use the default LinkedIn company page -Member Data Portability (Member) Default Companywhile creating the application.

  2. Request access to API product

    From the Products tab of your application, clickRequest accessforMember Data Portability API (Member). Once you agree to the associated Terms and Conditions, you application would be granted access to the Member Data Portability APIs. apply for member data portability api product

Getting an access token

Members can generate an access token via ourOAuth Token Generator Toolavailable in the Developer Portal. Follow these steps to generate an access token.


At this time, this feature is available only for LinkedIn members located in the European Economic Area and Switzerland, so only those members are able to consent and generate an access token.

  1. Once your application has been successfully provisioned with “Member Data Portability API (Member)” API product, you can generate access tokens via our “OAuth Token Generator Tool”. This can be accessed via the OAuth Token Tools" under “Docs and tools” drop down menu in the developer portal. select oAuth Token Tools under Docs and Tools

  2. In the OAuth 2.0 Tools, click on "Create token". Click on Create Token

  3. Select the Application which has been provisioned with theMember Data Portability API (Member)API product. Select the application provisioned with Member Data Portability (Member) API Product

  4. Select “r_dma_portability_self_serve” as scope and click on “Request access token”. Select r_dma_portability_self_serve as scope and click on Request access token

  5. You will be redirected to login and provide consent to generate the access token. login and provide consent

  6. Once logged in, you would be redirected to consent to share your LinkedIn Data with your application. Please read through the text and if you agree to consent, click "Allow" consent to share your LinkedIn Data

  7. The access token has been generated, you can start using this access token to make authenticated API calls to download your LinkedIn data.
    Access token generated

New Development

Ready to start development? Refer to the links below for guidance on building your application.

Member Changelog API

Once the member has generated an access token, LinkedIn will start archiving all the member's interactions (posts created, comments, reactions etc), from the time the user has consented, on LinkedIn as changelog events. Member Changelog API allows users to query these changelog events. Users can only query changelog events created in the past 28 days.To know more about the API and it's usage, refer theMember Changelog API Documentation.

Member Snapshot API

Once the member has consented to share data with a 3rd party application, LinkedIn will start archiving all the member data (Account History, Articles, Posts) including historical data. Member Snapshot API allows developers to fetch the data pertaining to LinkedIn member(s) at a point in time when an API call is made. The API will return data related to specific domains. To know more about the API and its usage, refer to theMember Snapshot API Documentation.