ScholarOne Privacy Notice

Effective: May 25, 2018

Last updated: March 3, 2023


ScholarOne is a software solution provided by Clarivate to customers, namely scholarly publishers and societies (in this Notice, “Publisher”).

Your personal data in ScholarOne is under the control of each Publisher. Clarivate acts as a data “processor”, handling your data in ScholarOne according to the instructions of the Publisher. Personal data is any information that does, or could, identify you.

This Privacy Notice is provided by Clarivate and describes ScholarOne’s role in the collection, use, transfer, security, and eventual disposal (collectively “processing”) of your personal data. To gain a full insight into how your data is processed, you should additionally consult the Publisher’s privacy notice or contact the Publisher directly.

Throughout this notice, “Clarivate”, “we”, “us” or “our” means all the businesses of Clarivate, including its affiliates.


We will update this Notice from time to time and will communicate material changes to you by the best means available to us (for example, by a prominent notice in the ScholarOne user interface).


ScholarOne holds the following personal data:

  1. Personal data that you provide to Publishers when you create and use an account, for example, your contact information and details about your academic or scholarly résumé including affiliations and areas of expertise.
  2. Special category data including race, gender and ethnicity for the Publisher’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) reporting. Providing this data is optional and will only be used for the Publisher’s DEI reporting. If you choose not to provide this information, it will have no effect on your ability to use ScholarOne.
  3. Data that other ScholarOne users may input to create an account for you when you have co-authored a manuscript with them, or they are interested in your taking part in the peer review process. ScholarOne’s “Reviewer Locator” functionality assists Publishers to find potential reviewers from Clarivate’s Web of Science database.
  4. Like most web-based services, ScholarOne uses standard technologies like web server logs and cookies to collect information about end-users’ use of the service. We use these technologies only to save individual user configurations and preferences, and for troubleshooting and product development purposes. ScholarOne does not use these technologies for any tracking or marketing purposes.


  • Clarivate processes your personal data in ScholarOne only to provide our services to the Publishers. We do not use it for our own separate purposes.
  • Web server log, cookies, and related technologies are used by Clarivate for ScholarOne product improvement and troubleshooting purposes.
  • Publishers use ScholarOne to manage their workflow with you, for example to give you access to their ScholarOne site, and send you e-mails relating to your reviewing and editing activities.
  • Publishers may choose to activate a ScholarOne tool that helps detect fake peer reviews, in part through the processing of personal data, for example e-mail addresses and submission statistics.
  • Publishers may use your ScholarOne contact information to send you marketing communications. Each Publisher is responsible for obtaining your consent, if required, to send you marketing communications and for managing your marketing preferences.
  • Publishers may use the special category data you provide for DEI reporting. They will not use your special category data for any other purpose.

You should consult the Publisher’s privacy notice for a full understanding of how each Publisher uses your ScholarOne personal data.

  • EU GDPR ARTICLE 6 (LAWFULNESS OF PROCESSING) INFORMATION: As data controller, each Publisher determines the legal basis upon which it processes the personal data of European individuals. These bases may include your consent and the necessity of fulfilling a contract with you.


Your personal data in ScholarOne will be accessed by:

  • Clarivate employees and contractors whose roles require access to your data. Our personnel are bound to confidentiality terms which cover their obligations to protect personal data.
  • Clarivate suppliers who process personal data on our behalf (“processors”); for example, ScholarOne is hosted on third-party servers. Clarivate suppliers are contractually bound to protect your data to the same standard as set out in this Notice.
  • The Publishers that are the “controllers” of your personal data and who may disclose your data to other organizations and individuals.
  • Your data may be transferred to a third party as a result of any merger, acquisition, or similar corporate event involving Clarivate.
  • We will disclose your personal data when required to by law.


Clarivate maintains appropriate administrative, technical, and physical security measures to protect your personal data from accidental loss and unauthorized access or use. These measures include encryption, firewalls, roles-based data access, intrusion-detection software, and physical access controls to data centers. However, we cannot guarantee that loss, misuse, unauthorized acquisition, or alteration of your data will never occur.


The period for which your data will be retained will be set by the policies of each Publisher. Clarivate will retain your data in ScholarOne until the Publisher is no longer a customer, or upon request.


ScholarOne is hosted on servers in the United States.

We protect our transfers from the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area with approved legal safeguards that may include:

  1. the existence of a European Commission adequacy decision (covering, for example, transfers to Canada, New Zealand, and Switzerland);
  2. Clarivate’s Intra-Group Agreement incorporating the Standard Contractual Clausesapproved by the European Commission (“Standard Contractual Clauses”) and, if applicable, the United Kingdom Addendum approved by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office;
  3. Standard Contractual Clauses and other contract terms executed between Clarivate and applicable third parties that ensure personal data remains protected in accordance with applicable law; or
  4. the existence of binding corporate rules or other certification mechanism approved by applicable law.


If you have questions about how the Publisher processes your personal data or want to submit a data subject request, you should contact the Publisher. If you have questions about Clarivate’s role in the processing of your personal data in the ScholarOne solution, you may contact the Clarivate Global Privacy Office at data.privacy@clarivate.comor submit your inquiry though ouronline webform.


For privacy requests and queries, contact us at:

Clarivate Analytics (UK) Limited

Attn: Legal, Clarivate Global Privacy Office
70 St Mary Axe
London EC3A 8BE
United Kingdom
+44 2074334000


Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC
1500 Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
United States